2016 Trumbull Protocol Book

Adult Primary Assessment

Adult Primary Assessment


Performed? Yes No

1. Quickly assess level of consciousness using the AVPU Method.  Alert: Eyes Open  Verbal: Responds to vocal stimuli  Pain: Responds only to pain  Unresponsive: No response to verbal or painful stimuli. 2. Assess the airway (protect c-spine if uncertain)  Responsive – no intervention needed, proceed to step 3.

 Unresponsive – use the appropriate medical or trauma maneuver to open the airway.  If airway remains partially or totally obstructed, continue attempts to clear the airway. 3. Assess adequacy of breathing  Observe chest rise and fall, auscultate breath sounds anteriorly, posteriorly, and peripherally.  Observe for signs of distress – use of accessory muscles, cyanosis  Count the respiratory rate and obtain pulse oximeter reading if available  If breathing is adequate – go to step 4  If breathing is inadequate and patient is unresponsive – assist breathing with appropriate device  If breathing is inadequate and patient is responsive, administer oxygen if available. 4. Assess the circulation / perfusion  Assess rate and quality of pulses – peripheral and central pulses  Stop any active bleeding, assess skin color, temperature, and condition.  If there is no palpable pulse or rate is too slow to maintain cerebral blood flow, begin CPR  If bleeding is present – manage bleeding 5. Provide care for any compromise in airway, breathing, circulation, or neurological status per protocol and perform basic life support as per current American Heart Association Guidelines. 6. Identify priority patients and make a transport decision.  Priority patients include those with compromises in airway, level of consciousness, breathing, or circulation, which are not easily remedied with basic intervention. 7. Further Assessments, go to Patient Assessment – Medical or Patient Assessment - Trauma







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