2016 Trumbull Protocol Book

Spine Motion Restriction

Spine Motion Restriction


Performed? Yes No

1. Gather cot and c-collar appropriate for patient’s size

2. Explain the procedure to the patient and that their movement could affect their condition 3. Place the patient in an appropriately sized c-collar while maintaining in-line stabilization of the c-spine. This stabilization to be provided by a second rescuer, should not involve retraction or tension, but rather simply maintaining the head in a neutral, midline position, while the first rescuer applies the collar. 4. Once the collar is secure, re-emphasize that the patient needs to maintain a neutral position of their head and neck as they are moved and positioned to the cot. 5. Place or have the patient move themselves onto the cot in a position of comfort, preferably supine but fowler’s/semifowler’s is acceptable (any patient with a history of car sickness should be transported fowler’s/semifowler’s). Utilize the safest method to get them on the cot as possible. Note: do not force a patient into a non-neutral position to immobilize them; a patient’s anatomy should be taken into account.

6. Prophylactic Zofran if car sickness is a problem.

7. Secure the patient to the cot utilizing all straps per the manufacturer’s recommendation.

8. Document the time of the procedure in the patient care report.







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