2016 Trumbull Protocol Book

Critical Injuries – Load and Go

Critical Injuries – Load and Go

1. Airway obstruction unrelieved by mechanical methods (i.e. suction, forceps, etc)

2. Conditions resulting in possible inadequate breathing: a. Large open chest wound (sucking chest wound) b. Large flail chest

c. Tension pneumothorax d. Major blunt chest injury

3. Traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest – transport to the nearest ED. Do not wait for a helicopter.

4. Shock – severe:

a. Hemorrhagic b. Spinal

c. Myocardial contusion d. Pericardial tamponade

5. Head injury with decreased level of consciousness.

6. Any traumatic condition with: a. Respiratory difficulty

b. Signs and symptoms of shock c. Decreased level of consciousness

7. Scene times on critical injuries should be as short as possible. If the patient requires transport to a trauma center, burn unit, or children’s hospital, consider helicopter transport.







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