CG Parent / Carer Directory

| Chatham Grammar

A Able and Talented: All students have particular talents or are more able in certain areas. Intelligence is not seen as fixed at the academy; we believe all young people have the ability to be perceived as able and talented in some way if they are prepared to invest in their own learning. Absence: Chatham Grammar uses a Management Information Service, which is a text, voicemail and email system. If your child is ill and cannot attend the academy, please telephone the absence line number: 01634 851262 or email: attendancecg@ by 9.30am for each day of absence. You will be contacted if your child is absent without the academy’s knowledge. Academy Meals: These are available daily in the Lime Lounge (see Lime Lounge and Free academy Meals). Accidents: If your child has an accident at the academy you will be contacted as soon as possible. Please ensure we have an emergency number for you. You may be asked to complete an accident form. Directory A-Z

Achievement Events: The academy holds annual events to celebrate students’ achievements. Parents/carers are invited to attend. Addresses: In case of an emergency and to ensure you receive all communications, it is very important that we have your correct home address, contact numbers and email address. If you change any of your personal contact details, please inform the academy immediately in writing or via our website (see website). Advanced Level: These are Advanced level 3 qualifications that some Key Stage 4 and 5 students choose to study. They can lead to university entrance, apprenticeships or employment. Appointments: Any appointments with members of staff should be made by telephoning the member of staff concerned. Please do not just turn up at Reception expecting to be seen, as the person you want to see may be unavailable. Assemblies: These are held weekly are led by members of the Strategic Leadership Team, Head's of House, Personal Tutors and students. Assessment: All students will be assessed throughout the year in most subjects. Parents/carers will receive

three progress reports that detail the outcomes of these assessments. Assistant Principals: There are a number of Assistant Principals with specific responsibilities. They are all there to ensure that the academy works as an outstanding organisation for the benefit of our students. Asthma: If your child suffers from asthma, please ensure that the PE staff are notified of this and that the academy is aware of any medication they might need (see separate information on medication) . Attendance: Full attendance is very important. There is a clear link between attendance and achievements, including attainment in examination courses. It is the law that all young people stay in learning until the age of 18, which is the final Friday in June of the year in which they turn 18 (see Absence and Attendance Advisory Practitioner). Attendance Advisory Practitioner (AAP): The academy employs its own Attendance Team. They may visit a student at home if they are persistently absent from the academy. In addition, they are there to assist families who may be having problems. The academy works with an Directory A-Z 13 Attendance Advisory Practitioner (AAP) from the Local Authority who completes any legal work and visits families. The academy operates an

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