CG Parent / Carer Directory


F Forms: Please ensure that you return forms sent home from the academy if a reply slip is attached by the date specified. (It’s worth checking your child’s bag every now and then to find letters sent home!) Free Academy Meals: Some students may be entitled to free academy meals. You can apply for free academy meals by clicking the following link: https://www. Alternatively, contact Medway Education Department by calling 01634 306000, Medway Council's main switchboard at Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR. Fund Raising: We promote community cohesion by encouraging students to support a variety of worthy causes such as Children in Need, Comic Relief, Medway Street Angels and local homeless projects. Students are involved via their PSHE programme or through the Student Voice. Students are made aware of what initiatives we are supporting via assemblies, notice boards and the academy website (see Website).

G Games: Games and physical education are compulsory for all students in order to maintain a healthy body and good level of fitness (see Uniform). GCSE: The General Certificate of Secondary Education is the external examination that students take in Years 10 and 11. General Data Protection Regulations: Details of your child are registered on the academy’s computerised information system. Under the GDPR law, you or your child can request information on them at any time with written notice and within presented timelines. Please refer to the academy Privacy Notices for parents/carers and students on Governors: The Academy has a number of Governors who are responsible for the strategic leadership of the Academy. The list of Governors can be found on our UKAT website – Green Team: In 2018 a group of students wanted to make Chatham Grammar greener and this was the beginning of our now very proactive and successful Green Team. The students were

passionate about making a difference and spreading awareness about protecting the environment. It is from here that the Green Team was born. A team of students who took on the challenge to help the planet. This team work together each Friday to make the academy more sustainable. They collect the academy’s recycling bins to promote reducing, reusing and recycling around the academy. Also, they have successfully produced assemblies, spread awareness through campaigns and protests, planted trees around the school site and worked with their peers, teachers and local community to make a difference. H Holidays: The academy term dates are available to all parents/carers via the website. Holidays should not be taken during term time and could lead to a Penalty Notice being issued. Home-to-Academy Agreement: You will be asked to sign an agreement on entry to the academy which says what the academy will provide for your child, what the academy expects of you and what we both expect of your child. Hospital: In the event of a major accident, students will be taken to the Medway Maritime Hospital (see Accidents and Emergencies).

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