CG Parent / Carer Directory

| Chatham Grammar Additional Needs

for students who have the most complex educational needs. Chatham Grammar prides itself on being an inclusive academy, catering for all its students’ needs. Please contact the SENCo if you wish to discuss your child’s needs.

progress. For example, perhaps reading speed is slow and they need additional help. Students with learning difficulties and those with additional needs are placed on the Special Educational Needs Register and their progress is carefully supported and tracked. The Local Authority awards students with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) previously known as a Statement of Special Educational Needs

At some point in their learning journey at the academy, students may experience learning difficulties of varying degrees and for many different reasons. For most, the needs are short lived and overcome through sensitive awareness and careful planning. However, for some, their educational needs are more profound where certain skills have not been fully developed and are, as a result, impeding

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