CG Parent / Carer Directory

| Chatham Grammar Home Study

How can you support your child? There are various ways in which you can help your child with their work. Please talk to your child about their learning and check the following things:

Your child will be required to complete home learning activities whilst at the academy. A timetable for when home learning is set will be shared with students at the start of the year.

• Check that your child feels positively about the teaching and their lessons. • Check that your child is enjoying their time at the academy. • Help your child to read at home. • Check that your child takes the correct equipment necessary for a good start to each lesson every day, i.e. charged iPad kept in its academy-approved case and looked after carefully, pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, sharpener, PE kit (if necessary), etc. • Check that your child is wearing the correct uniform. • Keep a copy of your child's timetable on the wall at home or stored on a mobile device so you can access this easily.

• Come to regular parent/carer consultation evenings to motivate and support your child. • Attend Family and Adult Learning opportunities to help you support your child's learning, as we offer bespoke learning programmes that will have a direct impact on your child's learning at the academy. In addition, it is important that you praise, and teach self-discipline to your child. Guide and encourage them to always be polite and respectful of fellow students and staff alike.

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