CG Parent / Carer Directory


How is the Academy Organised?

Personal Tutoring Students see their Personal Tutor daily and it is within the Personal Tutor programme that focus is given to developing their independent learning skills so that they become adept learners, able to cope with the demand of examination work from Year 10 onwards. Students at the academy begin their two-year GCSE courses in Year 10 and study for a range of qualifications including GCSE’s, the English Baccalaureate and A level programmes. All students follow a core curriculum consisting of English, Maths and Triple Science throughout their time at the academy and these subjects are set by ability.

House System The academy is divided into four Houses and students belong to one of these. On entry to the academy, students enter one of the four Houses where they remain for five years. The students have named the Houses after inspirational women and the chosen House names are Angelou, Kahlo, Seacole and Sharman. Each House has its own identity, mission statement and chosen charity. Students participate in House competitions and there is a healthy competitive drive to achieve as many leadership points as possible.

Quality Assurance To ensure that your child receives the best teaching possible, the academy has a range of senior and middle leadership staff who monitor lessons, develop the curriculum and support parents/carers and all staff to raise the students’ self-esteem and academic standards across the academy. We are an academy that is keen to be reflective and examine ourselves by conducting surveys to parents/carers/ staff/students and community members so that we can improve our service to you. We also commission consultants to undertake regular inspections and reviews; they report directly to the Principal and the UKAT Board of Trustees – ensuring that we remain totally focussed on our academy Improvement agenda for the benefit of our students.

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