CG Parent / Carer Directory


Years 7, 8 and 9

Art, Music, IT, Food Technology, Design, Technology Textiles

PE and Drama

History, Geography and Ethics

Leadership Development Programme

Core Subjects: English, Maths and Separate Sciences

Modern Foreign Languages

Years 10 and 11 (14-16 year olds)

GCSEs Modern Foreign

Languages, PE, Art, Textiles, Geography, History, Drama, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Photography, Business Studies and Health & Social Care

Core Subjects GSCEs, English, Maths, Core PE and Separate Sciences

Core Subjects GCSEs

DofE, CCF, Work Experience

PSHE, PE and RS Ethics

English, Maths and Separate Sciences

UKAT Sixth Form

Leadership Opportunities DofE, Sports, Key Stage 5 Bursary Support and Paid Work Opportunities (WOW programme)

PSHE, PE and RS UCAS Support, Professional Personal Development and Subject Mentoring from the University of Kent

Advanced level courses AS and Vocational (All Subjects)

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