The Lamb King

Chapter 21 The Traditional Passover Meal Shared (AD 30)

Before Jesus’ pending death on the cross, He shared the tra- ditional Passover meal with His disciples, telling them that He must die. Jesus took some bread and blessed it. Then He broke it and gave it to His disciples as a symbol of His body that would be broken. Then He took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. He gave it to them as a symbol of His blood, which con- firmed the promise between God and His people, His blood poured out as a sacrifice to cleanse and forgive the sins of many. As the nation of Israel had been delivered by the blood of an innocent lamb over the doorpost of their homes, now all peo- ple can be delivered and washed clean from their sins by the innocent blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God. Jesus changed the Passover celebration into the Lord’s Table. It was no longer a celebration of deliverance from Egypt; it was now a celebration of Christ’s sacrifice and deliverance of humankind's bondage to sin.


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