The Gazette 1913-14

DECEMBER, 1913] The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

Council was considered desirable, and the following resolution was adopted :— " This Council is of opinion that the " duration of the Long Vacation should be " curtailed, and that representatives of the " Bar Council be invited to confer with " representatives of this Council on the " subject." County Courts (Ireland) Bill. A report was submitted from the County Courts Committee, in which it was stated that the Committee, on the 25th inst., had a conference with a Committee consisting of four County Court Judges, at which the suggestions made by the County Court Judges for amending the County Courts (Ireland) Bill, and the additional clauses suggested by the County Court Judges were discussed. The amendments suggested and new clauses which were considered by both parties to be desirable were agreed to, and the remaining amendments and clauses were withdrawn by the County Court Judges. The Council referred the matter back to the County Courts Committee to have the Bill amended in the manner agreed upon.


Mr. R. S. Reeves. The following resolution was adopted, and a copy directed to be sent to Mr. Reeves :— " The Council desire to place on record their grateful appreciation of the valuable services rendered to the Society and to the profession by Mr. Richard S. Reeves for the past thirty-seven years as a member of the Council, during two of which years, 1887-88 and 1899-00, he filled the office of President of the Society. The Council tender to Mr. Reeves their sincere good wishes and their earnest hope for his better health." Extra-Ordinary Members. A letter was read from the Northern Law Society submitting the names of the following members of that Society to be extra-ordinary members of Council :—Mr. C. W. Black, Mr. Joseph Alien, Mr. M. J. Burke, Mr. J. D. Coates, and Mr. J. C. White. A letter was read from the Southern Law Association submitting the names of the following members of that Association to be extra-ordinary members of the Council:— Mr. W. G. Lane, Mr. B. C. Galvin, Mr. Frederick Hall, Mr. A. H. Julian, and Mr. W. B. Ronan. The ten members nominated were declared duly elected as the ten extra-ordinary members of the Council for the year ending 26th November, 1914. Bar Council. A letter from the Bar Council was read, enclosing a copy of -the following resolution passed by that Council on the 13th November. 1913:- " It shall be a rule of the profession that " no Barrister shaU habitually practise in " any Court of which his father or any near " relative is the Judge." Long Vacation. A report was submitted from the Special Committee upon the subject of curtailment of the Long Vacation. Before dealing further with the matter, a conference with the Bar

Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :—

January 14th and 28th. February llth and 25th.

Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during November :—

Land Act, 4th. Privileges, 5th. Gazette, 12th. Costs, 18th. Special (Long Vacation), 19th. County Courts, 24th.

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