The Gazette 1913-14


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January, 1914.

Vol. VII, No. 7.]


Meetings of the Council.

December 10th.

Appointment of Notaries. Letters were read from three Solicitors inquiring the attitude of the Council in reference to the appointment of persons other than Solicitors to the office of Notary Public. Replies were directed to be given stating that some years ago the Council submitted to the Lord Chancellor their expression of opinion, which had always since been acted on, that preference should be given to Solici tors applying for the office, and that where a person other than a Solicitor is appointed, he should be required to give an undertaking not to practice as a conveyancer for remunera tion or to engage in other work which is properly the work of a Solicitor. It was resolved to write to the present Lord Chancellor expressing the opinion of the Council as stated above.* Statutory Committee. A letter was read from, the Secretary of the Lord Chancellor intimating that His Lord ship had appointed the following seven members of the Council to be the Statutory Committee under Section 34 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, for the year ending 26th November, 1914 :—Mr. Synnott, Sir A. F. Baker, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Macnamara, and Mr. Stanuell.

December 3rd. Election of President and Viee-Presidents. THE Council elected Mr. Henry J. Synnott to the office of President of the Society, and Mr. Patrick J. Brady, M.P., and Mr. Joseph E. MacDennott to the office of Vice- Presidents of the Society for the year ending 26th November, 1914. Mr. Synnott having taken the chair and expressed his thanks to the Council for his election, a cordial vote of thanks was passed to the outgoing President and Vice-Presidents for the manner in which they had discharged the duties of their respective offices during the past year. Mr. Reeves. A letter was read from Mr. Reeves thanking the Council for the resolution passed at their A letter was read in reply from the Land Commission stating that the request of the Council that a telephone call board should be placed in the hall of the Land Commission Offices at 24 Upper Merrion Street had been complied with. Members are informed that when they desire to communicate with their assistant who may be engaged at business in 24 Upper Merrion Street, the telephone number of the Solicitor's office will be placed upon this board, so that the assistant when passing out through the hall will see that his office desires to speak to him. previous meeting. Land Commission.

* An acknowledgment of this letter has been received, stating that His Lordship has noted its contents.

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