The Gazette 1913-14


Vol. VII, No- 9.]

March, 1914.


Meetings of the Council.

Legal Appointments. A letter was read from the Lord Chancellor acknowledging the receipt of the resolution passed by the Council on the 28th January, relating to the recent appointments to the offices of Chief Clerk and Assistant Chief Clerk, and which appeared in the GAZETTE of last month. Labourers Acts. The President informed the Council that he had received a request from the Local Government Board to meet the Board in consultation relative 'to the draft of a new Order which the Board proposed to' make dealing with costs of making title to lands acquired under the Labourers Acts, in sub stitution of Rule 52 of the Labourers (Ireland) Order, 1912. The President stated that he had conferred with the Costs Committee in reference to the draft Order, prior to his con sultation with the Board, and that he had met the Board on the previous day as requested, and his representations had been received by the Board and fully discussed. It had been arranged that the consultation should be adjourned, so that the President might discuss the draft Order that day with the Council, and meet the Board again on the following day. The draft Order was then discussed by the Council, and the representations which had been made by the

February llth.

Recognizances of Receivers. IT was resolved to request the Land Judge to issue a direction that the existing require ment of the production to the Registrar of a Search in the Land Registry to ascertain if a person who has been appointed a Receiver he owner of registered land be dispensed with, and an affidavit by the person appointed stating whether he is or is not the owner of such land be substituted for such Search. Housing of the Working Classes Acts. A letter was read from a firm of Solicitors expressing dissatisfaction with the amount of costs allowed to them by the Arbitrator appointed to inquire into claims of persons whose property is being acquired by the Corporation of Dublin under the Housing of the Working Classes Act. This matter was referred to the Costs Committee. County Courts (Ireland) Bill. A report received by Mr. Brady, M.P., from the Chief Secretary on the proposals contained in the County Courts (Ireland) Bill was submitted. The report deals mainly with the question of whether the Bill could be treated as an agreed measure, and it refers to various clauses as likely to raise opposition. The report was referred to the County Courts Committee to prepare a reply to the points raised in it ; the reply to be forwarded to Mr. Brady.

President were approved. Resident Magistrates Bill.

A letter from the Bar Council was read stating that they had reconsidered the draft Bill dealing with the appointment of Resident Magistrates, which Mr. O'Shee, M.P., intends

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