TPT March 2011

在2010杜塞尔多夫管材展上,RingSaw 是展出的少数连续生产机之一。该机器不停地、几乎无声地将高钢 种、厚壁和大直径原料切割成轴承坯料。据说参观者对机器的基本动作感到很吃惊,切割环围绕静止工件旋 切,据说与传统的硬质合金锯相比工具成本节约了50%到80%,性能也提高了30%到60%。 Reika的Andreas Zimball说:“我们正在谈论逐年可以节省的高达六位数的总量。也就是说,单从节省的工具 成本来看,对RingSaw的投资成本在很短的时间内就可以收回了。” 同时,RingSaw是一条全新设计的管材、型材和棒材切割线,其设计是建立在几十年智能技术和知识经验基 础之上,这是由已经出现在市场上的很多相似概念生产线传递的信息。 新的概念是建立在源于REIKA的德国竞争对手Procon公司的一个项目。REIKA,是Graebener Group集团的 成员之一,在2009收购了Procon-Lines。在现有的Procon旋切线和使用Graebener Group的设计能力的基础 上,REIKA成功开发了RingSaw。 根据第一个关于RingSaw的案例研究及报告,德国知名的轧辊轴承环生产商使Reika 机器操作成本比传统的硬 质合金锯节省了近80%。材料的主要特性是:100Cr6预退火、管道直径73毫米、壁厚12.6毫米。

Reika GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax: +49 2331 96 90 36 Email: Website:

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Gas and air burner technology helps coating specialist improve energy use SUBCONTRACT coating specialist Northpoint Limited is achieving process efficiency gains and energy re- duction benefits as the result of an oven refurbishment programme, at the heart of which is the latest technol- ogy from process gas burner specialist Lanemark International Ltd. The work at Northpoint’s Cheshire, UK factory is supported by the Carbon Trust, which has made interest free loans available based on the CO2 emission reductions that were forecast during the project planning phase. “As gas prices have increased over the last two years we have focussed heavily on energy conservation,” commented Garry Marshall, Northpoint’s managing director, “particularly via improvements in process control which would lead to reducing energy usage. In turn, this has prompted an ongoing programme of oven refur- bishment, with burner replacement using Lanemark equipment central to each stage. “We have had a long and successful relationship with Lanemark, who have installed burners over a number of years on the four main ovens at our premises,” Mr Marshall continued. “Now, the most recent undertaking in this series has taken full advantage of the company’s latest modulating gas and air technology. As a result, burner loadings have reduced which, along with other modifications to the ovens themselves, have resulted in a significant reduction in the energy consumption and thus carbon emissions, fully satisfying the loan con- ditions required by the Carbon Trust.” The modified oven is dedicated to the powder coating of water processing pipes. This sector accounts for 35 per cent of Northpoint’s fusion-bonded epoxy business, the majority of which comprises subcontracting work on behalf of fabricators who supply a range of UK-based and international main contractors. The prod- uct coatings themselves are accredited to ISO 9000 2008 and meet the requirements of the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), which requires the burners to meet tight control parameters, such as close operating temperatures and variable dwell times, irrespective of product configuration and size – some of which can be up to five tonnes in weight, 2.5m in diameter and 6.5m long. “Before the refurbishment work, we used fixed air burners which could cause air to ‘spill out’ of the oven un- less an oversize exhaust fan was used,” explained Mr Marshall. This can often be a characteristic of direct- fired heating systems where products of combustion are greatly diluted in the re-circulating air and a check on combustion efficiency is thus extremely difficult. The common solution is to allow a generous amount of excess air to be used, which must be heated from am- bient to the oven operating temperature. This results in more than a doubling of air volume and an inevitable spill out from oven ends leading to an unavoidable loss of energy. “However, the Lanemark gas and air burner control design uses variable speed motor controllers to ensure that exactly the correct volume of combustion

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