Project 2016 Intermediate

Project 2016

Lesson – Working with Baselines


1. Save an original baseline, if necessary.

2. Make changes to the project plan.

3. Click the


4. In the Scheduling group click


5. Select

in the list box.

6. If necessary, select the For: Entire project option.

7. Click


8. Click

to overwrite the old baseline.


Update a project baseline.

If necessary, display the Tracking Gantt view.

Insert a new task above the 6 Request Permits task. Name the task Review Bids and give the task a duration of 3 days . Then, assign the Contracting Specialist to the task. Scroll to view the Tracking Gantt bar for the new task, 6 Review Bids . There is no gray baseline bar for the new task. Notice the spread between the baseline (gray) and scheduled (blue) tracking bars for tasks 7 through 9.


Practice Data

1. Click the Project tab.

The Project ribbon appears.



2. Click the Set Baseline button.

The Set Baseline submenu appears.




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