2011 Fall Newsletter

Mysterious Sinking of U.S.S. Scorpion May 1968 the U.S.S. Scorpion Nuclear Submarine headed home from its mission in the Atlantic, but six days later failed to show up at its port in Norfolk, Virginia. A search consisting of over 36 ships and 8,000 men went under way, but to no avail, the sub was not found along with its 99 crew members. "ę FS XFFLT PG TFBSDIJOH UIF /BWZ Pď DJBMMZ EFDMBSFE UIF TVC MPTU BU TFB "MNPTU B ZFBS BOE B IBMG MBUFS UIF MPTU TVC XBT GPVOE PČ UIF DPBTU PG UIF "[PSFT TJUUJOH BU GFFU CFMPX TFB MFWFM 'SPN UIF TFBSDI DSBę VTFE UP MP cate the ship, some photos taken that many portions of the submarine were crushed by the deep ocean’s immense water pressure. ć F / BWZ DPOEVDUFE OVNFSPVT TUVEJFT PO UI F QPTTJCJMJUJFT PG UI F TVCNBSJOF GBUF CVU UI F ĕ OBM Pď DJBM DPODMVTJPO stated that the U.S. Navy could not determine the cause of the sinking of the U.S.S. Scorpion. Since this time, there have been many speculative ideas on what caused the nuclear sub to become lost. One theory is that there was a mechanical failure, another possibility was that one of its torpedoes exploded on-board and another idea XBT UIBU JU IBE B OVDMFBS BDDJEFOU GSPN JUT OVDMFBS SFBDUPS ć F NPTU QPQVMBS UIPVHIU JT UIBU UIF TVCNBSJOF XBT BDUVBMZ UPSQFEPFE CZ UI F 4 PWJFU 6 OJPO JO SFUBMJBUJPO GPS JUT TVC UI BU X BT MPTU JO . BSDI PG JO UI F 1 BDJĕ D

which the Soviets believed the Americans had torpedoed. As a result of the loss of the sub, Miami County lost one of its citizens, Kenneth Brocker, who was a Naval Ma chinist aboard the U.S.S. Scorpion when it went down. Recently we received a donation of one of his uniforms, complete with shirt, pants, and hat, along with a vast amount of historical news articles on the sinking of the U.S.S. Scorpion. If you would like to learn more about this subject there are numerous books published on the sinking of the submarine and the fate of its crew; “All Hands Down”, by Kenneth Sewell and Jerome Preisler; “Silent Steel: ć F .ZTUFSJPVT %FBUI PG UIF /VDMFBS "UUBDL 4VC 644 4DPSQJPOw CZ 4UFQIFO +PIOTPO i#MJOE .BO T #MVČ ć F Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage” by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew; “Red Star Rogue: ć F 6OUPME 4UPSZ PG B 4PWJFU 4VCNBSJOF T /VDMFBS 4USJLF Attempt on the U.S.” by Kenneth Sewell and Clint Rich mond; and “Scorpion Down: Sunk by the Soviets, Buried CZ UIF 1FOUBHPO ć F 6OUPME 4UPSZ PG UIF 644 4DPSQJPOw CZ &E 0Ē FZ JoeHursey

SSN 589 Crew Patch

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