2011 Fall Newsletter

Franciscan Sisters *O +VMZ * XBT BTLFE JG * DPVME PQFO UIF NVTFVN PO B 4VOEBZ Bę FSOPPO GPS B HSPVQ PG TJY WJTJUJOH TJTUFST GSPN UIF Franciscan Order of Kansas City, Missouri, so they could view the Philippine Duchesne exhibit. Now while we are normally closed on Sunday’s, we obliged their request due to their strict schedule of daily routines and regi mens. While we have had many nuns and sisters visit the Philippine Duchesne exhibit, these sisters were not what I expected. As a historian, these six sisters looked every bit the image of the old description of the 13th century’s “Friar Tuck” character as could be imagined. Now let me explain that I am not being condescending when I EFTDSJCF UIFN UIJT XBZ CFDBVTF Bę FS UBMLJOH XJUI UIFN UIFZ BSF UIF NPTU USBEJUJPOBM 'SBODJTDBO 0SEFS JO UIF United States, which they are very proud of; from their brown tunics down to their knotted waist rope to their sandals. "ę FS JOJUJBMMZ NFFUJOH XJUI UIFN * HBWF UIFN B UPVS PG PVS NVTFVN FOEJOH XJUI UIF %VDIFTOF FYIJCJU .PTU PG my tours last about an hour, but three hours into the tour, they still had a million questions about Saint Philippine BOE IFS MJGF JO UIJT SFHJPO PG ,BOTBT BT XFMM BT IFS NJOJTUSZ UP UIF 1PUBXBUPNJF *OEJBOT EVSJOH UIF T "ę FS the tour, they explained they would like to bring a larger group to see the exhibit in August. Early August I got a call from the Sisters, inviting me and my family to go with them and their group to the Duch esne site in Linn County, Ks. We spent a full day with them touring the site and them teaching me about Duch FTOF ć F EBZ FOEFE XJUI UIFJS HSPVQ PG QFPQMF JODMVEJOH B 1SJFTU GBNJMZ NFNCFST BOE B GFX NPSF TJTUFST coming back to the museum for a tour. ć F UPVS FOEFE XJUI UIF FYDIBOHF PG OBNFT BOE OVNCFST TP UIBU XF DBO MBUFS TIBSF NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO BOE SF search that the museum or the order discovers on the history of Philippine Duchesne. All in all, they were just as educational for me, as I was for them I think. Not only did they teach me how important our history is to them, CVU BMTP I PX JOĘ VFOUJBM 4 BJOU 1 I JMJQQJOF % VDI FTOF JT TUJM UP UI FN UP UI JT E BZ _ +PF ) VSTFZ

Miami County Museum’s Top Benefactors Baerhr Foundation PaolaCity Betty Bendorf Kathy and Dirk Vandever Miami County Medical Center First Option Bank, Paola Paola Heartland and Tourism Roger Casper Dennis and Cindy Richards, Somerset Winery Isabel Rohrer Kristen and Steven Graue, Middle Creek Winery Jim Bousman Don and Cathy Warring, Night Hawk Winery Citizens State Bank Casa Somerset Spring Hill Oil Elliot Insurance

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