USD Magazine, Fall 2003

ALMANAC Continued

Real Estate in the Real World Students in USD 's Master of

and, of course, homes, that's al] real estate. T he approach we're using in chis program will expose students, in a real way, to all those areas." Plenty of Pundits Want co know how co start a busi– ness, what's going on in the world of policies or what life is like on a college campus? Professors, adminis– crarors and students are raking their knowledge ro the community through the USD Speakers Bureau, launched last spring. "We are getting people from the campus inro the San Diego commu– nity," says Pamela Gray Payton, direc– tor of community and government relations. "We want to promote USD as a resource people can come to for experts on a number ofsubjects," At no charge, experrs from USD will join groups of 20 or more for a cup of coffee, lunch or dinner. Speakers are available co discuss a range of ropics, including health care, law, U.S. fo reign policy, inter– collegiate athletics and education. So far, 45 professors, administra– tors and students representing each of the university's five schools have offered co speak. T he most sought– after speakers are chose from the School of Business Administration, so chis fall the program will include more business faculty. "USO has a long history of serving rhe community," Gray Payton says. "We see rhe Speakers Bu reau as yet another example of a beneficial commun ity service." For more information, call (6 19) 260-4659 or log on ro icarions. On the Move Ir rook 20 professional movers two full weeks chis summer co move the biology, chemistry, physics, marine science and environmental studies departments into the completed Donald P. Shiley Center for Science and Technology. "Each professor's office, each faculty research lab, each teaching lab was packed up and moved," says Starla Tudor, USD building manager. "Ir was a pretty smooth move. It was just a lot of swear."

says Don Gennero, laboratory man– ager for the biology depamnen r. "We had to set up rooms for them with power and cooling water fo r the elecronic beam and for the vacuum pumps," he says. "Ir was quire a big move." New equipment, including refrig– erarors and freezers, continued arriv– ing at the new 150,000-square-foor facili ty into late August. At home in their new quarters, which feature 67 laborarories, an astronomy deck and a greenhouse, some science faculty members already were using their labs over the summer. "Everybody is really excited about the new equipment and new rooms," Gennero says. "We are al] together, the different departments. T here will be a lot more collaboration, which is important for the sciences." USD in Cyberspace 11,240 Number of e-mail accounts at USO 2,758 Student computers connected to residence hall networks 1,682 Student computers repaired by student computing office in 2002-03 5,400 Calls to the Information Technology Services hel p desk in 2002-03 l Staff members at the help desk weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3,384,567,357 Average number of bytes ( I byte= I character) received from the Internet on campus pe r hour 4,190,456,940 Average number of bytes sent to the Internet from campus per hour 164,203,069,039 Number of bytes sent through campus web mail in the past two months

Business Administration program have been able ro skim rhe surface of the real estate industry by taking three elective courses in that field. Bur in Fall 2004 the Real Estate Institute will introduce a master's degree in real esrare that will add ro the core classes with case studies, roundrable weekend series and project-based courses caught in the field by local professionals. "These professionals will expose students ro numerous facets of the industry, help chem forge relation– ships and possibly land jobs," says program direcror Elaine Worzala, who was hired in 2002 to start the master's program. "The insritute is lucky to have ties to so many profes– sionals in the industry who are will– ing co lend their expertise." The local experrs, most of whom are members of the institute's policy advisory board, will play a key role in the degree program. T hey will assist with the project-based courses, which act as mini-internships, and speak at dai ly lunchtime sessions during a week.long introductory

More than 5,000 boxes - as well as large equipment such as electron microscopes - left the science profs' former digs, previously spread over fo ur buildings on campus. Ir rook special technicians and a truck to move the two electron micro– scopes, each big enough co occupy a separate room in the new building,

USD real estate students attended the 2002 Residential Real Estate Conference as guests of the PMI Group. course designed ro familiarize stu– dents with real estate fundamentals. "We hope co reach students char real estate is more than just houses," Worzala says. "Real estate affects everyone, everywhere. Shopping centers, vacation spots, compan ies



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