Passover Take Out Menu 2017


Gefilte Fish 4 oz. with Beet Horseradish

$ 8.00

Chopped Chicken Liver Per Pint, with Matzo Crackers

$ 14.50

Matzo Ball Soup

$ 7.50

One Quart Chicken Broth with Two Matzo Balls Each additional Matzo Ball

$ 1.00

Potato Pancakes (per dozen) with Apple Sauce and Sour Cream

$ 18.00

Chilled Platters

Sliced Fruit Platter Per Platter (serves four)

$ 18.00

Crudités Platter (serves four) Market Fresh Seasonal Vegetables with Ranch Dressing Dip

$ 18.00


Steamed Salmon Dinner

$ 19.00

Dill Sauce Baked Sweet Potato and Fresh Vegetables

Whole Rotisserie Chicken One Quart of Matzo Dressing

$ 15.00

Half Rotisserie Chicken Dinner with Matzo Dressing and Fresh Vegetables

$ 12.00

Beef Brisket Dinner

$ 14.50

Oven Roasted Beef Brisket with Potato Pancakes and Fresh Vegetables

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