
subsidies to create affordable integrated housing for people with disabilities throughout the United States.

He has taught the principles of Positive Behavior Supports, 5 Star Quality, Supervision and Leadership throughout the country. In 2009, He assisted the State of Nebraska in completely rewriting their Community Regulations governing service provision. With his leadership, the State has prohibited restraint and required all providers to adopt the principles of Positive Behavioral Support. The Regulations were crafted after a national review of 20+ States approach and regulations. Derrick has devoted increasing time to consultation with parents, school systems and young people to assist in transition planning for individuals as they move from the educational system to adult services. He has recently been assisting in the implementation of self-determination in a Medicaid environment. This has included teaching and coaching to pair person-centered planning with individual budgets. He is deeply committed to assisting providers, advocates, state officials and others in the implementation of the principles of full inclusion for all persons with disabilities into the mainstream of community life. Derrick Dufresne, MPBA President Community Resource Alliance

Contact: 314.606.8400 Email:

Dan Howell currently serves as the Division Director of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for the state of Georgia. He holds a BA in Health Care Administration and a Master’s in Management with an emphasis in Organizational Leadership. As a Chief Executive Officer and leader in healthcare for 30 years, Dan has had the opportunity to work in many diverse settings from rural hospitals in private industry to state government programs. Dan enjoys speaking to various groups on the difference between leadership and management. As a valued speaker at conferences in the DD field Dan addresses the issues faced by leaders in transitioning individuals from institutions to an inclusive setting. By embracing his core

values of honesty, integrity, and respect Dan leads people with humor and kindness. It is these attributes that drive him to ensure persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the state of Georgia have a meaningful life.


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