© 2013 National Standards of Practice for Case Management


3A Maintain rapport and communication with the Client to develop a partnership regarding the delivery of resources, services and supports affecting the achievement of goals.



CM maintains and documents regular contact with Clients as per agency guidelines.

Contact not maintained by CM as per agency guidelines. Contact not adequately documented.

CM has clear communication strategies which reflect the Client goals e.g. frequency of contact.

CM is not able to demonstrate the link between communication strategies and Client goals.

CM documents ongoing discussions with Clients regarding clarification of CM role and agreed actions and responsibilities.

No documentation. CM does not clarify their role. CM has responsibility for all actions without consideration of shared responsibilities.

CM can demonstrate that they promptly advise Client of changes, interruption or termination of services.

Documentation does not demonstrate the timely advisement of changes affecting Clients.

CM can demonstrate knowledge of the eligibility criteria and referral process of other agencies in order to facilitate Client outcomes.

CM cannot state eligibility criteria and referral processes of other agencies.

Self Assessment


Below satisfactory

Verified Assessment


Below satisfactory

3B Maintain professional rapport with key stakeholders so that the case management plan can be discussed objectively, problems identified and adjustments made as needed.




CM documents engagement with key stakeholders (including conflict resolution) and all collaborative actions undertaken to clarify issues pertaining to resources, services, supports and joint goals, for and/on behalf of the Client. CM actively assists Client to communicate constructive feedback to key stakeholders. CM provides feedback as requested by Client for and/on their behalf.

No documentation by CM. Conflict identified but no action taken to rectify.

CM is unable to demonstrate the provision of any active assistance to Client in providing feedback to key stakeholders.

CM demonstrates leadership in the sole collaboration of joint activities between CM agency and key stakeholders e.g. forums, training.

CM demonstrates a lead role in joint activities between key stakeholders.

CM documentation does not demonstrate allocation of roles/ responsibilities between multiple stakeholders.

Self Assessment

Good achievement


Below satisfactory

Verified Assessment

Good achievement


Below satisfactory

24 National Standards of Practice for Case Management

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