© 2013 National Standards of Practice for Case Management


Inclusive TheCaseManagers practice is inclusive anddemonstrates compliance with all enabling legislation, professional (industry) standards and agency standards. Within this framework the Case Manager recognises the stipulations of previous legislation and/or standards, including any incumbent professional (industry) standards pursuant to the terms and conditions of the practitioner’s employment contract and/or registration with a professional body or entity.

information from evaluation and reflective processes, and, drawing on existing professional practice standards, values, ethical practice and professional conduct.

Case Management Standards & Code of Ethics

Agency standards

Increasing specificity to case management

Contemporary Relevant &

CMSA standards

Reliable Evidence

aspirations, choices, expectations, goals, Client motivations, needs (individual, diverse, special), values

Professional standards

Enabling legislation

Figure 5: Inclusive Case Management Framework Agencies that choose to further contextualise the CMSA standards are required to demonstrate how all amendments retain the intent of the CMSA standards, applicable professional (industry) standards and any enabling legislation. Strengths Based In collaboration with the Client the Case Manager concentrates on the inherent strengths, skills and aptitudes of the Client, as opposed to their deficits, and promotes self efficacy and a belief by the Client in their own abilities. Fundamental to this process is the acknowledgement by the practitioner that the Client has unique talents, skills and life experiences, in addition to specific unmet needs.

Figure 3: Evidence Based Framework

Holistic The Case Manager practises within a holistic framework (including general socioeconomic, cultural and environmental conditions). Within this context, the CMSA identifies with the Social Model of Health (Dahgren & Whitehead 1991).

S o c i a l a n d c o m m u n i t y n e t w o r k s G e n e r a l s o c i o e c o n o m i c , c u l t u r a l a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l c o n d i t i o n s I n d i v i d u a l l i f e s t y l e f a c t o r s A^k^c\ VcY ldg`^c\ XdcY^i^dch Ldg` Zck^gdcbZci :YjXVi^dc JcZbeadnbZci LViZg VcY HVc^iVi^dc

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abilities, aspirations,

capabilities,creativity, culture,determination, dignity,diversity,experience, Client goals,knowledge, interests, motivation,ownership, preferences,relationships, resilience,rights,strengths, skills,values

6\g^XjaijgZ VcY[ddY egdYjXi^dc

Age, sex and constitutional factors


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Strengths Based Practice

Case Management Standards

Case Manager collaborative, empowering, flexible, non judgemental, encouraging, engaging, personable, positive, respectful, sustaining, transparent

Figure 4: Holistic Case Management Framework

Underpinning and supporting this conceptual framework is the Alm Ata declaration and World Health Organisation definition of health, “Health is a complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” (World Health Organisation, 1958)

Code of Ethics

Figure 6: Strengths Based Practice Framework


National Standards of Practice for Case Management

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