USD Softball 2004




USD Academic Support Shaney Fink begins her fourth year overseeing the Academic Support Program, and her first as an Assistant Director of Athletics for Academics. This past academic year eleven of the sixteen Torero teams had cumul ative GPA's of 3.0 or higher. Four seasons ago she ass isted the Torero volleyball coaching staff, helping the Toreros to a 23-6 record and second round fini sh in the NCAA Tournament. Prior to USO she gai ned coaching experience at the high school, college and international levels for four years. She capped off a stellar co lleg iate career ( 1990-93) at Cal Berkeley and won selection to the All-Pac 10 Decade Team. Fink earned her B .A. in Social Science from Berkeley in 1994. She is currently working on a Masters Degree at USO in Counse ling. Shaney and her husband, Tom Vorkoper, reside in Encinitas.

The USO Athletic Academic Support Program is designed to promote the academic development of stu– dent-athletes. The primary objective is to offer the necessary resources for the academic success of student– ath letes as they work to earn their degree. Academic Support Services are designed to enhance the student-athlete's overall collegiate experi– ence and encourage development and attainment of academic and career goals. All USD student-athletes have access to advi sing, tutoring and mentoring services. The mentoring program, Access, was developed in 1999 and teams a graduate student in the Counseling program with an ath lete who would like to enhance study skill s, learn about campus resources and receive guidance on goal development and attainment. Student-athletes also have access to a quiet area where they can study or work in the computer center. In addition , student-athletes are encouraged to utili ze the campus learn ing centers including the Writing, Math and Logic Centers as well as to take advantage of the resources avai lab le to them in the Career Center, Counseling Center and Computer Labs.

1/ ' "The greatest challenge to a Division I athlete is to balance the demands of sport while taking full advantage of the educational experience offered. The purpose ofour program is to assist student-athletes in meeting this challenge by offering tutoring, advising, mentoring and a quiet environment to study. The academic support program is designed to assist students in adjusting to life at USD and developing sound academic and career plans. By promoting a philosophy of individual responsibility, which encourages each student-athlete to value their educational experience, the academic support program assists each athlete to realize their full potential". Shaney Fink ,'-.. / Torero Strength and Conditioning

The University of San Diego athl etic department recogni zes the need for all athl etes of all sports to engage in a comprehensive strength and conditioning program. The USO strength and conditioning program has been designed to develop functional strength, speed, power and endurance. The development of these physical attributes is ineffective if the athletes are not ab le to carry them over to the pl ay ing fi eld . Adhering to a properly designed program of strength train ing, conditi oni ng and nutriti on can enab le our men and women to become the best possible athl etes they can be, while simultaneously reducing the incidence of injury. The heart of the strength and conditioning program is the Jenny Craig Pavilion fitn ess center (3 ,800 square feet) and the USO Sports Center weight room (5 ,000 square fee t). Both weight rooms contain Olympic platforms, free-weights , se lectorized machines, dumbbell s and card iovascu lar equipment , and are open exc lusively to student-athletes at spec ifi c times each day. USO student-athl etes rece ive intensive instruction on proper weight training tec hnique ; speed, powe r and agility deve lopment; and sport-specific conditi oning. Thei r strength and conditioning programs are spec ific to the nature of their sport or position. Each athlete is individuall y monitored throughout the ir program to ensure the greatest chance of ath let ic progress.

2004 University of San Diego Torero Softball

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