CBA Record

YLS PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY COMMITTEE HAPPENINGS Keeping Current By Emily Roschek, YLS Professional Responsibility Committeee Vice Chair T he YLS Professional Responsibility Committee makes it easier than ever to keep up with ethical trends and wellness, and civility. To that end, the YLS PR Committee meetings have extended beyond traditional ethics issues and have included such topics as “How the Practice of Law Is Like Major League Baseball” and “How to Get Your Case On the Front Page (or Off of It).”

The YLS Professional Responsbility Committee meets on the first Wednesdayof eachmonth. Formore information, gotowww.chicagobar. org/committees. CLE programming. We not only volunteer regularly with YLS charitable events and participate in YLS and CBA social events, we also schedule quarterly happy hours aptly named “PR at the Bar.” These are social nights of networking with attorneys who either practice in ethics or have an interest in this area. The last few have been done jointly with the YLS Fed Tax com- mittee. Why not join us for one of these events soon?

issues. We regularly communicate with our members about upcoming committee meetings, networking events, joint events, and ethics seminars at the CBA and around Chicago. We publish monthly articles in the CBA Record covering our committee meetings. We also have a LinkedIn page where we frequently post ethics-related articles and information on upcoming meetings and events. The YLS PR Committee makes PR topics accessible, relevant, and enjoyable. Illinois Professional Responsibility credit isn’t just ethics anymore. It includes pro- fessionalism, diversity, mental health and

We also like to produce joint events. Our committee meeting on February 4 was held jointly with the YLS’s newest committee, Federal Taxation, on “Tax and Ethics.” We’re also jointly sponsoring a seminar with the YLS Health & Well- ness Committee to bring in Andy Clark on “Survey Says... How to Get What You Want Most...” The YLS PR Committee makes an effort to be reachable above and beyond

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* American Bar Association Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability. (2008). Profile of Legal Malpractice Claims, 2004-2007. Chicago, IL: Haskins, Paul and Ewins, Kathleen Marie.



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