A long-distance swimmer stretches out his triceps before taking to the water.

on the floor but be pushing into the ground. Arch your back, and look up toward the sky. You should feel your stomach and abdominal muscles stretch out; hold this position for thirty seconds, and then relax. OVERHEAD TRICEP STRETCH Stand in a relaxed position, and lift up your right arm straight, with your fingers pointing to the sky. Bend your arm at the elbow to bring your hand down behind you, resting on your back between your shoulder blades. Use your left hand to hold and pull down on your right elbow, and hold this stretch for thirty seconds. Rest a moment, then repeat with your left arm.

BACKHAND BICEP STRETCH From a standing position, bring both your hands behind your back, and clasp your hands together. Let your shoulders drop, and push your arms out away from your back, lifting your hands up toward the sky. Reach your limit, and hold your arms in this position for thirty seconds.


Lay flat on the floor looking toward the sky—body, legs, and arms straight. Lift your knees up, and bring them to your chest with your legs bent and tucked in. Lift your arms up, and link your hands over your shins at the same time. Hold for thirty seconds, then return to your original position slowly and in control.


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