2017 RETA Breeze Nov-Dec

RETA Testing Corner No. 4 RETA’s Testing and ANSI Guru

Dr. Ron Rodgers, RETA’s Psychometrician (testing expert) and ANSI Accreditation Manager, has guided development of RETA

a RETA credential. The following issues commonly arise in responding to these requests. Consider every answer carefully before choosing the BEST one. Each question is designed to show whether candidates understand key concepts. Each question includes plausible incorrect answers that reflect common errors. Evaluate all relevant information in each question to show that you understand details that may protect the safety of operators and other employees in your refrigeration facility. Many candidates would benefit from more careful review of refrigeration fundamentals before their exams. Poor performance in fundamentals is common among candidates with failing scores. Plausible incorrect answers often reflect confusion in refrigeration fundamentals. Careful review of these content areas can help many candidates avoid common errors in applying these concepts. There is no bonus for finishing early, but you can reduce your score to FAIL by moving too fast. Pass rates are much higher for candidates who use at least two of the three hours RETA allows for each exam. Passing candidates take time to consider all relevant details carefully before answering each question. Advanced-level RETA exams require candidates to interpret operating data for different types of refrigeration systems. Study guides and practice

tests for the credentials beyond CARO show how to prepare for questions that evaluate system operations. These questions require candidates to recognize and use relevant data to identify and correct common problems that can occur in refrigeration systems. RETA score reports tell candidates how to improve their performance . A total score of 70 percent is required to pass each RETA certification exam. Scores below 70 indicate opportunities to improve in weak content areas. A total score of 70 or higher may include some content area scores below 70, but passing candidates typically score 70 or more in a clear majority of the topics on each test. We welcome your questions about RETA’s credentialing exams and activities Send your questions by email to Dan Reisinger at dan@reta.com. fundamentals before their exams. Poor performance in Fundamentals is common among candidates with failing scores. Many candidates would benefit from more careful review of refrigeration

credentialing exams since 2002. RETA Testing Corner provides information and answers questions from RETA members, candidates and others to help them earn and benefit from RETA credentials. RETA’s commitment to the fairness and integrity of its examinations is reflected in the many efforts it makes to inform candidates how to prepare to earn a RETA credential. CARO and CIRO Practice Tests let candidates see the types of questions on each test and become familiar with on- screen references they must use during each test. Study Guides describe exam content, show how to navigate on-screen references during each test, and provide copies of these references. Candidates can download Study Guides for every RETA exam free from the RETA website at any time. Score reports tell candidates how they performed on the total exam and in each content area, which identifies topics in which they can improve their performance. Many candidates ask for help to prepare for future attempts to earn

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