GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes

think one thing that probably has not come across is how passionately I feel

that young people need to be part of building the structures and making sure it

changes, because what works for youth work one year, five years down the line

might not be the kind of youth work that that community needs, so it always

needs to be changing, it always needs to be fresh and it always needs to meet

the needs of the young people that it is serving that day to make sure that they

have the stability and confidence in order to build a future for themselves that I

think so many young people right now cannot see and I think trade unions play

an important part in this in terms of the empowerment that trade unions can

make young people feel like they have in the workplace, and not just young

workers, obviously, trade unions represent all workers, but I think a lot of young

workers are so terribly exploited that youth work working with trade unions

would be a powerful combination. (Applause)

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Cat. We have a small gift for you. Thank

you for taking the time to come.

The presentation was made amidst applause

THE PRESIDENT: So, colleagues, to continue this youth strand, can I refer you now

to the report, the first green tab in the report, page 25, political education. You

will see at the beginning there it talks about the Shout Out Project and the

involvement that the GFTU has had in bringing political education into schools

and educational establishments. It is a very exciting project and I know that we

have had some meetings at Quorn Grange. Matteo from Shout Out is going to

say a few words about it. You are very welcome, Matteo. (Applause)


ALISON STOECKER: Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Alison Stoecker from

the office of John McDonnell and it is a great pleasure that I am here today and

I am introducing Matteo. Matteo and I started to work together a couple of

years ago now, something like that, when Matteo was fresh from university with

amazing ideas about how to have outreach and implement a programme of

education to children that would not necessarily get political education through


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