GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes

to end offender management. This builds a solid working relationship that

persists, endures and changes over the course of the sentence from court,

through prison to the community. Simply put, the OMiC model is more likely to

result in further problems within the system and, you guessed it, another U

turn, more revisions and more chaos later as they try to fix what they have


Our members want the freedom and space to deliver quality support and

supervision to clients serving prison sentences. We call on HMPPS to listen to

the experts for once and to work with us and our members to find the quality

solution to the problem, not just the cheap one. Thank you. (Applause)

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much.

The motion was formally seconded

Motion 9 was CARRIED unanimously

THE PRESIDENT: Now we come on to the GFTU activities report and I am going to

hand over to the General Secretary.


THE GENERAL SECRETARY: Thanks, John. This is probably slightly mistitled, this

section, because we have had two days so far covering most of our activities.

It has been a huge workload that we have presented back to the BGCM, I am

sure you will agree. We are involved in lots and lots of things. So really this is

a bit of a sweep up section just to touch on some of the bits of the report that

maybe we have not covered so far. Just a reminder, and I do not think you can

remind yourself enough about democracy in the movement, but we do have a

good old solid democratic structure. This meeting every two years is the

sovereign body of the GFTU, this is the GFTU, and between meetings we

delegate the authority to the Executive Committee to carry on the work of the

GFTU and between the meetings of the Executive it is really the President, the

Vice-President and the General Secretary who through meeting every week


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