Kindergarten Instructional Guide

CSD Math Block Kindergarten 80 Minutes Daily

Numeracy Component

Focus of Instruction

enVision 2020 Instructional Materials




Build Number Sense

Use this time to build understanding of values and relationships among numbers. Materials used are not a component of enVision.

Building Fact Fluency Kits (BFF)


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Daily Review


Focused, Cumulative Review ●

Pre-teach: Another Look VIdeo

Review What you Know ( Topic Opener)

Identifed skill defcits that have been identifed through formative assessment to review (CFA, exit ticket, whiteboards, Quick Check, etc.)

Vocabulary Review

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Systematic Vocabulary Routine Vocabulary Activity ( Topic Opener) My Word Cards ( Topic Opener )

Academic Vocabulary

● Teach Appropriate Vocabulary using the Systematic Vocabulary Routine


A-Z Glossary

● Learning Intention & Success Criteria begin and end the lesson, posted and referred to throughout the lesson ● Learning Intentions & success criteria include both content and math practice standards

● Learning Intention: What are students learning? Why are they learning it? ● Success Criteria: How will students know they learned it?

Teacher Clarity

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Problem-Based Interactive Learning

Concept/Skill Development (I do, We do, Y’all do, You do)

Develop the Concept: ●

Visual Learning Bridge

Acquisition: Students develop understanding of skills through the CRA Model ○ Concrete: Hands-on (manipulatives) ○ Representational: Visual (pictures or video) ○ Abstract: Symbolic (numbers or algorithm) ● Automaticity: Students perform skills fexibly, accurately, and effciently ● Application: Using structured classroom discussions, students apply skills to solve problems in new contexts

Solve and Share (PBL) Visual Learning Animation Plus Student/Teacher eTexts

Guided Practice

Independent Practice

3-Act Math Tasks

Quick Check

Math Practices Posters English Language Learners

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ELL Toolkit

Math Practices Animations

Language Support Handbook Building Fact Fluency Kits (BFF)

K-2 Interactive Math Story

Checks for Understanding: ●

Review What You Know, Quick Check, Convince Me! (3-5) Do You Understand? (K-2), Prevent Misconceptions

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● Pre-teach upcoming concepts to groups and individual students that need support/scaffolding ● Students practice concepts independently as appropriate ● Reteach with skill-based groups who need extra support/scaffolding ● Provide extension opportunities for students who have shown mastery of the concept/skill

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Skill-Based Instruction: Pre-teach, Review, Reinforce & Extend

Intervention Activity

Practice Buddy

Reteach to Build Understanding Build Mathematical Literacy

Interactive Additional Practice Another Look Video Math Game Center Dreambox, iReady or STMath

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Enrichment Pick a Project

Problem Solving Reading Mats Math Diagnosis and Intervention Kit Building Fact Fluency Kits (BFF)

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