Kindergarten Instructional Guide

Kindergarten Science

Unit 1




Aug. 19 - Sept. 18

STRAND: Weather Patterns: Effects of Sunlight Weather is the combination of sunlight, wind, snow or rain, and temperature in a particular region at a particular time. People measure these conditions to describe and record the weather to identify patterns over time. Weather scientists forecast severe weather so that communities can prepare for and respond to these events. Sunlight warms Earth’s surface. KEY STANDARD(S) ● Standard K.1.3 Carry out an investigation using the fve senses, to determine the effect of sunlight on different surfaces and materials. Examples could include measuring temperature, through touch or other methods, on natural and man-made materials in various locations throughout the day. (PS3.B) END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE FEATURES & FUNCTIONS By the end of Unit 1, students will be able to predict the sun’s effects on different materials and surfaces. Language Functions and Features: ● Use pictures and diagrams to describe the phenomenon ● Make a claim (If _______ happens, I predict that ________ will occur. ) ● Use declarative statements (Sunshine on an icy lake will make the water melt. The sun makes metal hotter than it does plastic) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT ● K.1.3 Formative Assessment VOCABULARY ● Sunlight ● Shade

● Temperature ● Investigate ● Observation (Sight, Touch) ● Test ● Data

● Location ● Surfaces ● Materials

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