
situated in an elevated position, by the Esrom lake, and is surrounded by large woods, and its own uniquely beautiful park. It was erected by Frederik IV in Italian style, commenced 1720 and later extended and rebuilt 1753—57. When tlie royal family which occasionally lives there in the autumn, is not in residence, the interior is shown on application to the place attendants, 1—6 persons Kr. 2 . 7—14 persons Kr. 4. Slotsparken, the palace park, is reckoned as one the most beautiful parks in Denmark. It is re ­ markable for its wonderful growth, its trees and magnificent avenues, especially "Sukkenes Allé” (the avenue of sighs) and "Eremitage Allé” which leads down to tlie royal landing stage on tlie Esrom lake. Numerous pieces of sculpture adorn the avenues and walks. Glose to the palace stand Wiedewelt’s two huge statues representing Denmark and Norway, and in the Normandsdalen stand 69 sandstone figures of Norwegian, Færoese and Icelandic peasant types arranged in a circle round a triumphal column. In the marble garden (on ly accessible on application to the palace gård­ ener) there are numerous pieces of sculpture. 4. To Roskilde and the Rosk ilde Cathedral. From the central railway station 45 minutes trip (half an liour by express train) to Roskilde, a town with about 15.000 inhabitants, beautifully situated down a typical Danish fiord. The town is one of the oldest in Denmark; as early as in the lOth century it was an important harbour and the seat of residence of King Harald Bluetooth, who here built his royal castle, and the first church which was of wrood. In the 11th century a tuffstone church was erected on the site of the old church, and a hundred years later the foundation stone of the present Roskilde Cathedral was laid. The Cathedral was erected at the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century. With its later additions of chapels and side aisles, it now constitutes an imposing illustration to the history of Danish architecture through seven centuries. It has also become the national church — Denmark’s St. Denis and Westminster Abbey — about a hundred royal and national historical personages having found their last resting place here — the greater part of thern reposing within magnificent sarcophagi in richly decorated chapels. Several of Denmark’s most prominent artists, sculptors, painters and craftsmen, have here — together with several foreign artists — established for the dead and incidentally themselves by their works, permanent posthumous renown, which at all times will inspire feelings of admi- 118

Slotsassistenten. 1 —6 Personer 2 Kr.; 7—14 Per­ soner 4 Kr. Slotsparken, der regnes for den smukkeste Park i Danmark, udmærker sigj ved sin sjældne Be­ voksning, sine høje Træer og pragtfulde Alléer, især »Sukkenes Allé« og »Eremitage-Allé« ned til »Kongebroen« ved Bredden af Esrom) Sø. Indenfor dens Omraade findes store Anlæg i gammel fransk og engelsk Stil, og talrige Skulpturer smykker Al­ léer og Gange. Tæt ved Slottet staar Wiedewelts to Kolossalstatuer af »Danmark« og »Norge«, og i Nordmandsdalen, et ejendommeligt og tidspræget Parti af Parken, staar 69 Sandstensfigurer af nor­ ske, færingske og islandske Bondetyper opstillet i Kreds om en Sejrssøjle. Rundt omkring i Parken er desuden i nyere Tid opstillet flere Buster. — I Marmorhaven — kun tilgængelig ved Henvendelse til Slotsgartneren — findes talrige Billedhugger­ arbejder. 4. Til Roskilde og Roskilde Domkirke. Fra Hovedbanegaarden % Times Kørsel (med Hurtigtog K Time) til Roskilde, Købstad med ca. 15,000 Indbg., smukt beliggende ved Bunden af den herlige Roskilde Fjord. Byen hører til Danmarks ældste, idet den allerede i 10. Aarli. var en betyde­ lig Havneplads og Residensstad for Ivong Harald Blaatand, der her havde bygget sin Kongsgaard og den første Kirke, som var af Træ. I det 11. Aar- hundrede rejstes en Tufstenskirke paa den gamles Plads, og et Hundrede Aar senere lagdes Grund­ stenen til den nuværende Roskilde Domkirke. Den er opført i Slutningen af 12. og Begyndelsen af 13. Aarliundrede. Med 1 sine senere Tilføjelser af Kapeller og Sideskibe helt op til vore Dage staar den nu paa en Maade som en imponerende Illu­ stration til dansk Arkitekturs Historie gennem syv Aarhundreder. Samtidig er den ved de tal­ rige Begravelser, den rummer, blevet hele Lan­ dets Kirke — Danmarks St. Denis og Westmin- ster. Henved et Hundrede kongelige, fyrstelige og nationalhistoriske Personer har her fundet deres sidste Hvilested — for Størstedelen bisat i pragtfulde Sarkofager og rigt udsmykkede Ka­ peller. Adskillige af Danmarks mest fremragende Ivunslnere, Billedhuggere, Malere og Kunsthaand- værkere, har her — ligesom flere udenlandske Kunstnere — sat saavel de afdøde som sig selv et varigt Eftermæle, der til alle Tider vil fylde Be­ skueren med Beundring og Andagt. Men først og sidst er det dog selve det høje og lyse Kirkerum med sit skønne Korparti, der øver den mest impo­ nerende Virkning over Sindet.

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