
chitect M. G. B. Bindesboll. It is both a museum and a mauseleum, as tlie four wings, containing the works of Denmark’s most famous sculptor, enclose a little court, in the centre of which Tlior- valdsen’s remains lie in a beautifully decorated sunk vault. — A wide staircase leads up to the main entrance in the western wing. Above the facade the roof is adorned with a large bronze group (representing the goddess of victory in chariot drawn by four horses, sculptor H. V. B is­ sen, in part from Thorvaldsen’s own sketches). The other three outer walls are decorated wich a continuous frieze by Jorgen Sonne, executed in coloured cement representing Thorvaldsen’s return from Rome in 1838, his landing at the cu- stom liouse quay and also the discharge and trans- portation of his works from the harbour to the mu­ seum. Unfortunately neither colours nor material have been able to stand the climate, and so far it has proved equally difficult to restore or ef- fectively preserve same. T h e c o l l e c t i o n contains the works of the sculptor, models, sketches, and plaster casts; the majority of the marble exhibits in the museum have been executed after his death (1844), contrary to what is the case with the statues in »Vor Frue Kirke« (see below). The museum also contains a large number of paintings and drawings by Thor­ valdsen’s greatest contemporaries, collected by himself; and furlher a number of Egyptian, Greek, Etrurian and Roman antiquities, antique furniture and several excellent casts of antiques. A d m i s s i o n , daily 10—3; Sunday, Wednes- day and Friday, free, other days Kr. 1. Illustrated catalogue in English can be had in the vestibule (1 Kr.).

Bindesbøll. Den er paa engang Museum og Mau­ soleum, idet de fire Fløje, som rummer Danmarks berømteste Billedhuggers Værker, omslutter en Gaard, i hvis Midte Thorvaldsens Lig henstaar i en smukt dekoreret, forsænket Gravhvælving. — Et bredt Trappeparti fører op til Hovedindgangen i Vestfløjen. Over Facaden er Taget prydet med en stor Gruppe i støbt Malm (Sejrsgudinde med F ir- spand, af H. V. Bissen, tildels efter Thorvaldsens Skitser). De tre andre Ydermure er dekoreret med en omløbende Frise af Jørgen Sonne, udført i far­ vet Cement og forestillende Thorvaldsens Hjem­ komst fra Rom i 1838, hans Landgang paa Told­ boden, samt Udlosningen og Transporten af hans Værker fra Havnen til Museet. Desværre ha r F a r­ verne og Materialet i Frisen ikke kunnet modstaa Vejrligets Indflydelse, og en effektiv Konservering har hidtil vist sig lige,saa vanskelig at gennemføre som en Restaurering. S a m l i n g e n indeholder Billedhuggerens Vær­ ker, Modeller, Udkast, Afstøbninger i Gibs; de fle­ ste af Museets Marmoreksemplarer er udført efter Kunstnerens Død (1844) i Modsætning f. Eks. til Statuerne i Frue Kirke, (se nedenfor). Museet rum ­ mer desuden en stor Mængde Malerier og Haand- tegninger af Thorvaldsens samtidige Kunstnere, samlet af ham selv, og endvidere en Del ægyptiske, græske, etruskiske og romerske Antikviteter, an- tike Møbler og flere fortrinlige Afstøbninger af Antiker. A d g a n g daglig 10—3; Søndag, Onsdag og Fredag gratis, de øvrige Dage Kr. 1.00. Haandka- talog (1 Kr.) og Illustr. Vejledning (2 Kr.) for­ handles ved Indgangen.

N y Carlsberg G lyptotek . (Dantes Plads ved Vestre Boulevard). (IH. S. 44 og 45).

N y Carlsberg G lyptotek (G lyp totheca). (Dante’s Plads, Vestre Boulevard). (See page 44—45).

B y g n i n g e r n e. Kompleksets to Hovedbyg­ ninger er opført til forskellig Tid, svarende til Samlingernes Overdragelse til det offentlige. F a ­ cadebygningen mod Dantes Plads er ældst, indviet 1897 (Arkitekt J.V.Dahlerup). Paa Trappeafsatsen staar opstillet to Arbejder af Antonie Barye: »Siddende Løve« og »Løven og Slangen«; langs Facaden: til venstre for Indgangen Johs. Bjerg’s Statue af Jerichau og Portrætbuster af H. V. Bis­ sen, H. E. Freund etc.; tilhøjre Larches Statue af Poul Dubois samt Portrætbuster af Carpeaux, Falguiére, Rodin og Meunier. Langs Sidefa-

T h e b u i l d i n g s. The two main buildings of the block have been built at different times coin- ciding with the collections becoming public pro­ perty. The facade building facing Dantes Plads is the oldest, and was opened in 1897 (Architect J. V. Dahlerup). In front of the building there are two works by Antoine Barye: »Seated lion« and »Lion and snake«; along the facade to the left of the entrance, statue of Jerichau and portrait busts of H. V. Bissen, N. E. Freund etc., to the right Lar- che’s statue of Paul Dubois, and portrait busts of Carpeaux, Falguiére, Rodin and Meunier. Along 68

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