The Gazette 1989

APRIL 1989



Emma, a bright-eyed, chatty, two-year-old, our younger members awaiting a kidney

is one of transplant.

WHO WILL FIGHT IRELAND'S NUMBER ONE KILLER? Heart Attack and Stroke cause 50% of all deaths in Ireland. Bequests/Donations, however small to: IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION, DONOR HOUSE, BALLSBRIDGE, DUBLIN 4. Phone: (01) 689788/9 or Account 17193435, BANK OF IRELAND, 34 COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN. IHF, a registered charitable organisation, fights Heart Disease and Stroke through Education, Community Service and Research. IF YOU WILL Remember the IHF when you are making your will — you can contribute to our work without losing capital or income during your lifetime. WHEN YOU HAVE A TRANSPLANT YOU ARE ABLE TO LIVE' WE WILL


& ® D B O t 7 § G Ml TERM \T UAR C

investment earning its keep? Check your Interest - then move up, to our NewGuaranteed Bond Account. Available for a limited period only, it pays a higher rate than other accounts currently available on the market . Call to any of our branches or agencies and take advantage of this higher rate - now. ">. '' x

' * 'Paid less Retention Tax at standard rale.


Everything you want tn



Contact Joe Connolly, Head Office, 33/35 Nassau Street, Dublin 2, Tel 01-717220, or your nearest branch or agent.

IRISH HEART FOUNDATION 4 Clyde Road, Dublin 4. Telephone: 01-685001.


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