The Gazette 1989


Please send photograph of legal interest to:- The Editor, Gaze* 1 * ' Law Society, Blac kha " p | a C e , Dublin 7.

SOU T HERN LAW ASSOC I AT I ON A N N U AL D I NNER Mr. James T. Ivers, Director General of the Law Society, with District Justice J. Brendan Wallace (right), and Mrs Deirdre O'Mahony, County Registrar, Courthouse, Cork.


DUBL IN SOL I C I TORS BAR AS SOC I A T I ON I N SCOT L AND Harry Cassidy (centre) of Investment Bank of Ireland, presenting a cheque to Ms. Rosemary Kearon of the DSBA and Mr. Gerry Griffin, President of the DSBA. The Investment Bank of Ireland sponsored a reception for the DSBA and the Law Society of Scotland during their recent visit to Edinburgh.

GU I LD OF AGR I CUL TURAL J OURNA L I S TS S EM I N AR Attending a recent seminar at the Law Society were (I. to r.) Michael Miley, Information Officer, Teagasc, Chairman of the Guild of Agricultural Journalists, Michael O'Mahony, Solicitor, and Larry Sheedy, Sheedy Communications, President of the Guild of Agricultural Journalists.

LAWYERS V I S IT EUROPEAN COURT, BRUSSELS Mr. Paul Spring, Solicitor (Northern Ireland) making a presentation to His Honour Judge Thomas F. O'Higgins, on the occasion of the visit to Brussels by a group of lawyers in January of this year.

GU I LD OF AGRICULTURE JOURNAL I STS S EM I N AR (I. to r.): Michael O'Neill, Dove PR; Des Maguire, Deputy Editor, Irish Farmers Journal and Niall O'Muilleoir, Public Regions Officer, Irish Farmers Association.

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