The Gazette 1989

A pril 1989


Younger Members' News

AND THEN THERE WAS . . . This month's Prize Winner is Alex Gibbons, P. J. O'Driscoll & Sons, Solicitors, Bandon, Co. Cork. And then there was the newly qualified solicitor whose client was pleading guilty to a charge of drunken driving. He appealed to the District Justice not to be too harsh in the circumstances as " my client was returning from his sister's wedding, which would explain why he was as drunk as a justice". The D.J. did not take too kindly to his remark and barked " I think if you check it you will find the saying is 'as drunk as a lord'." To which our fledgling colleague replied "Yes, my Lord". And then there was the man accused of drunken driving whose excuse was that he was watching the snooker on the T.V. The T.V. went on the blink so he went to his local to see the result and had t wo pints of Guinness. The Justice in summing up stated that this was a case where the defendant sunk the black and got snookered on the way home. (Eva Tobin)

YOUNGER MEMBERS COMMITTEE 7-A-SIDE SOCCER BLITZ M I XED COMPET I T ION SATURDAY, 27th MAY 1989 In aid of the Solicitors Benevolent Association Sponsored by the Educational Building Society Venue: The Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. LIVE MUSIC THROUGHOUT THE DAY! CRECHE FACILITIES THE BLITZ WILL BE FOLLOWED BY A LIVE BAND For further details please contact: Sandra Fisher John Larkin Justin McKenna The Law Society A. & L. Goodbody Sheridan & Kenny Tel. 710711 Tel. 613311 Tel. 857088



Frank Moore, Manager of the Irish Permanent Building Society, Ennis, Co. Clare, presenting the I.P.B.S. cheque for prizes to David Casey of John Casey & Co., for the Law Society Ennis Table Quiz organised by the Younger Members Committee of the Law Society. Also in the picture is Geraldine Thornton, I.P.B.S., Solicitor, Houlihan & Co., Solr. for the I.P.B.S. in Ennis (far left) and Frances Twomey of the Younger Members Committee (right). 184

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