The Gazette 1989

A pril 1989


C.L.A.S.P. - Concerned Lawyers Association for Social Problems. Concerned Barristers and Solicitors have formed an Association w i th the object of providing help and assistance for young persons having problems because of home- lessness, involvement in crime, lack of education (including illiteracy), and lack of training for employment. Following consultations w i th various organisations already pro- viding services to alleviate these problems, the Association has decided t ha t, initially, it w i ll endeavour to raise funds w i th the object of assisting certain organi- sations which, although State- aided to some extent, urgently require additional funding. The organisations which the Association proposes to assist are as follows:- Lane, Dublin 3. Father Peter McVerry S.J. The Association welcomes as members all those interested in this worthy cause. The membership fee is £10 per annum (£5 for those who have not completed 5 years in practice, apprentice Solicitors and Students). If you wish to become a member, please forward your fee to any member of the undersigned Com- mittee. Cheques should be made payable to the Treasurer, Con- cerned Lawyers Association for Soc i al Pr ob l ems. The pos t al address is Law Library. PO Box 2424. The subscription is £10 and £5 for t hose w h o have not completed five years in practice at the bar, apprentice solicitors and students. The fee will cover a period of membership from the 1st of August, 1989 to the 31st of July, 1990. Chairpersons: Antonia O'Callaghan and Killian McMorrow Treasurer: Angela O'Reilly Secretary: Rita Walsh Public Relations and Fund Raising: Breda Ging Committee Member: Pol O'Murchu • INTERIM COMMITTEE Joint 1. Focus Point 2. St. Vincent's Trust, Henrietta

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Liability of Vendor to Discharge Land Purchase Annuity The Conveyancing Committee has been requested to indicate the rec- ommended practice in relation to the discharge of Land Purchase An- nuities in the light of the provisions of General Condition 16 of the cur- rent Incorporated Law Society of Ireland General Conditions of Sale. General Condition 16 provides: Subject to Condition 15, the purchaser shall be deemed to buy: (a) w i th full notice of the actual state and condition of the subject property, and (b) subject to (i) all leases (if any) mentioned in the Particulars or in the Special Conditions and (ii) all rights of way, water, light, drainage and other easements, rights, reservations, privileges, liabilities, covenants, fents, out- goings and all incidents of tenure. The Committee is of the view that a land Purchase Annuity is a charge and does not come within the terms of General Condition 16(b). Accordingly, the Committee recommends that in the absence of a Special Condition to the contrary, it is the Vendor's liability to Discharge the Land purchase Annuity affect- ing the property in sale. • P . L . Photographic Studios

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