The Gazette 1989


JULY 1989

Younger Members News

GRAND QUIZ NIGHT Law Society Last! The YMC held its Annual Grand Quiz Night on 5th April this year in conjunction with the DSBA. Once again, the Quiz was an outstanding success and was attended by over 300 solicitors. Generous sponsorship was provided by the Irish Permanent Building Soc i e ty who were represented by a team on the night. For the first time, the Chairman of the YMC hosted a table with representatives from the 'younger' or 'junior' organisations of the Society of Surveyors and Chartered Surveyors, Irish Management Institute and the Irish Marketing Institute. The winners of the Quiz were the Kilkenny team (who were regional winners of the YMC Waterford Quiz). The team generously re- donated £400 prize money towards the Solicitors Benevolent Fund. The trophy for. the team coming last (out of 65 teams let it be noted) was awarded to the Education Department of the Law Society!

GRAND QUIZ N IGHT - 5th APRIL 1 9 89 From left to right: Michael Lanigan, Carl Johnson, Owen O'Mahony, Gerry O'Toole, Irish Permanent Building Society, Dun Laoghaire, Miriam Reynolds, Chairman, Younger Members Committee, David Dunne, and Michael Buggy.

Solicitors Bowled Over!

For the first time the Younger Members Commitee this year organised a Bowling Night (with excessive refreshments!) in con- junction w i th the Society of Younger Surveyors. We estimate that the event was attended by about 140 people - 70 solicitors and 70 surveyors. The evening was thoroughly enjoyable as all who attended will already know! Generous sponsor- ship for the event was provided by the Phelan Partnership. Solicitors please practise before next year's event! •

BOWLING N IGHT - 13th APRIL 1 9 89 Keiron Diamond from the Phelan Partnership presenting first prize to Mary Lou Hartford (Bruce Shaw Partnership). Also in the photograph from left to right Deirdre Conroy (Phelan Partnership), Miriam Reynolds (Chairman, Younger Members Committee), Gerard Campbell, Brian Hartford, Peter McHale, Michael Scolland (Bruce Shaw Partnership), Pauline Daly, (Phelan Partnership) and John O'Neill (Bruce Shaw Partnership).


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