The Gazette 1989



Professional Information

Land Registry — issue of New Land Certificate Registration of Title Act, 1964 An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original Land Certificate as stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication o f this notice that the original Certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is being held. 25th day of July, 1989. (Registrar of Titles) Central Office, Land Registry, (Clárlann na Talún), Chancery Street, Dublin 7 . Elizabeth Mulvihill and Thomas Mulvihill of Glantannyalkeen, Lyrecrampone, Co . Kerry. Folio No. : 31461; Lands (1 ) Glantannyalkeen, (2 ) Cloughboola, (3 ) Dromadda Beg, (4), Glantannyalkeen; Area: (1) 161A. 3R. 36R (2) 18A. 2P. (3) 13A. 20R (4) 4A. 2R. County: KERRY. Patrick Varlay of Drummavooden, Carrick- on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Folio No.: 31395; Lands: Drumamoodan; Area: — : County: ROSCOMMON. Francis & Anns Barry of 24 Ardilaun Road, Newcastle, Galway. Folio No.: 2048L: Lands: Newcastle: Area: - . County GALWAY. Mary Clifton (otherwise Moylan) o f Killehenny, Ballybunion, Co. Kerry. Folio No.: 21334; Lands: Killehenny; Area: 70125 perches. County: KERRY. Thomas Ryan o f Shanakill, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. Folio No.: 18672; Lands: Dromard More; Area: 4A . 3R . 0P . County: TIPPERARY. SCHEDULE OF REGISTERED OWNERS

Miscellaneous UNUSED 1988 <44th) Edition. Gore-Brown on Companies Vols. 1 & 2 together with updates t oend o f1988. (Price new £225.00). £150.00. Tel. 832715. CABRA SECRETARIAL AGENCY, 5 6 Fassaugh Avenue, Cabra, Dublin 7. Serviced offices t o let, very reasonable rent. Fully serviced with al l secretarial facilities available.

Noel Wallace o fBallinurd, Kilkerley, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Folio No.: 11164; Lands: Rathmore; Area: OA. 3R. 29P. County: LOUTH. Thomas Kslly o f Feighs, Banagher, Co. Offaly. Folio No. : 13595. County: KINGS. Rutledge Healy. Folio No.: 4855F. Lands: All that and those the property i n the townland o f Corgullion, i n the Barony o f Ballintober North. Area: 4,553 hectares. County: ROSCOMMON. James Barry o f Killathy, Ballyhooly, Co. Cork. Folio No.: 7298. Lands: Killathy; Area: 58A. 2R. 31P. County: CORK. Anthony Monahan o fLourde Avenue, Kildare, Co. Kildare. Folio No.: 923F. Lands: Carragh; Area: OA . 2R . 6P . County: KILDARE. Lost Wills BRERETON, John, late o fOldcourt, Carney, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Will anyone having knowledge of the whereabouts of a Will of the above-named deceased who died on the 6th day of May, 1989 please contact William X. White and Company, Solicitors, 6 Kellyville, Portlaoise, Co. Laoise. HAYES, James, late o fThe Caravan, c/o John White, Cregg, Glandore, Co. Cork, obit. 27/5/89. Will anyone having knowledge of the whereabouts o f a Will o f the above- named deceased, please contact Michael Corkery & Co., Solicitors, Camden House, Camden Quay, Cork. Tel. 021-509367, Fax. 021-505978. McCABE, Elizabath Vara, late o f 29 St. Patrick's Terrace, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Will any person having knowledge o fth e wherabouts o f aWill o f the abovenamed deceased who died o n 2 8 June, 1989, please contact Berrils &Co., 5Francis St., Dundalk, Co. Louth. Tel: (042) 34219.

NOTIC E Norther n Irelan d Agent s

Northern Ireland Solicitors willing to act on an Agency Referral basis for Solicitors in the Republic of Ireland in General, Civil and Commercial Fields including Debt Recovery, particularly in the Western half of the Province. Contact: Oliver M . Loughran, Solicitor, 61 High Street, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. Tel. No. 0662-41530/41387. Fax No. 0 6 6 2 - 4 9 8 6 3.


Please note that Kevin O'Higgina and Vincent J. Dowllng, Solicitors, have formed a partnership t o be known as O'Higgins Dowling, and are practising at 13 Lad Lane Upr., Wilton Place, Dublin 2. Tel. 613711. Fax 618314. Mr. Dermot Scanlon, B.C.L., Solicitor, wishes to announce that he has acquired the practice o f Goodbody & Kennedy, and i s pleased that Mr. Kenneth C. P. Kennedy will remain as Consultant to the firm o f J. D . Scanlon &Co. (incorporating Goodbody & Kennedy) Solicitors, O'Connor Square, Tullamore, Co. Offaly. Phone No. (0506) 51755/21103. Fax No. 51759.

Stock Market Journal Ireland's Leading Stockmarket bulletin on Shares to Buy & when to sell. Posted fortnightly to private subscribers Annual Subscription £95.00. Free advice offered on all types of investments i.e. Equities, Unit Linked Bonds. Directors and Self Employed Pensions. Tax Free Savings etc Call or phone 3 Lr. Mount Street, Dublin 2. Phone: 616733 or 616243


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