The Gazette 1989




5. The members acting collect- ively are the decision-making body. Each member has one vote unless otherwise provided by the contract. However, for the protection of minority members, no one member may hold a majority of votes. Decisions specified by the Regulation as being of major importance will require a unanimous vote. 6. The appointment of a manager is mandatory and his acts are binding even when they are ultra vires the objects of the EEIG. G) Law governing the EEIG The interconnection be tween Community law and national law is quite complex. Where the Regu- lation does not contain mandatory provisions, it frequently leaves it to the contract or a decision of the members to settle any legal differences. Problems connected with the contract for the formation of the EEIG and its internal organisation must be resolved by the application of the law of the Member State in which the EElG's official address is situated. Any question of law has to be referred under Article 177 of the EEC Treaty to the European Court of Justice for interpretation. • *Anne M. Neary, Solicitor, practises in Ftane/agh, Dublin, and Richard Caplan, Solicitor, practises with Robert Gore & Co., Solicitors at 17 Grosvenor Street, London.

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