The Gazette 1989




I T E L I S LTD ., a n n o u n c e t h e l a u n ch o f a n e w N o r t h e r n I r e l a nd L i b r a r y. NILAW O n L E X I S โ€” T h e o n - l i ne s o u r ce o f q u a l i t y r e s e a r c h. This library contains cases reported in the Northern Ireland Law Reports from 1945 to date, selected cases from The Northern Ireland Judgement Bulletins from 1970 to 1984: Unreported cases from 1985. LEXIS already contains over 11 million cases both reported and unreported from a number of Jurisdictions such as United States, Australia, New Zealand, U.K., France, the European Court and Ireland. The Irish material includes cases from the Irish Reports, Irish Law Times Reports, Irish Law Reports Monthly, Frewens and Unreported cases from 1986. THE LEXIS SERVICE IS MARKETED IN IRELAND BY ITELIS LTD. WHO WILL FIGHT IRELAND'S NUMBER ONE KILLER? Heart Attack and Stroke cause 50% of all deaths in Ireland. WE WILL IHF, a registered charitable organisation, fights Heart Disease and Stroke through Education, Community Service and Research. IF YOU WILL Remember the IHF when you are making your will โ€” you can contribute to our work without losing capital or income during your lifetime. For further information please contact 717035.

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