The Gazette 1989

H istory shows that you can't succeed in Europe


a little local


Napoleon as familiar with the battlefield at Waterloo as he might have been. So he was quite taken aback when a fresh ba t t a l i on of Wellington's men emerged f r om the cover of a sunken road to the south. The rest is, as they say, history. But it serves to illustrate the impo r t ance of local knowledge when you're searching for p r o f i t ab le oppo r t un i t i es in Europe. At Goodbody James Gapel we'll provide the expertise you'll need to take ma x imum advantage of oppo r t un i t i es in the Irish investment market. wasn't

We're largest i nd e p e nd e nt agency broker, specialising in Institutional Equities and Gilts, Interna- tional Bonds, Futures and Options. (In a survey conduc t ed by Finance, the j ou r nal of Ireland's money and capital markets, we were placed top in all interna- tional categories. We were also voted Ireland's fastest growing stockbroker for the second year r unn i ng ). Our private clients profit I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ireland's

f r om



network covers Ireland, the UK and overseas. Indeed, t hanks to our links with James Capel, we have an i n t e r na t i onal presence Napoleon would have envied. If you'd like to know more, phone us at Dublin 793888. We were already giving advice on investments in Ireland a mere 25 years after t h e d e f e a t of le Petit General. So rest assured - we know the territory. S t o c k b r o k e r s . which

Goodbody James Capel 5 C O L L E G E G R E E N , D U B L I N 2 , I R E L A N D . T E L : 7 9 3 8 8 8 . F A X : 7 9 3 8 6 8

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