The Gazette 1989



Younger Members News Committee Members 1988 - 89 Miriam Reynolds, Chairman (1988)*; John Larkin, Vice Chairman (1984); Brian O'Connor (1987); Eva Tobin (1982); issues affecting the Younger Mem- bers in the area in question and/or to communicate any views of the local Younger Members. AND THEN THERE WAS . . . And then there was the apprentice who went into the Adjudications Office to inquire as to what stamp duty was payable on an oral agreement!

Reverting to the social aspect of the Committee, the YMC is organising a series of table quizzes around the country during the course of the next few months (a full list of which is published in this month's Gazette), and would welcome the support of all members of the profession (and others) in the locations listed. •

And then there was the apprentice who was sent down to the Law Library by his Master. Not knowing how to call a Barrister, he consulted his pals who informed him that the correct procedure was to stand at the entrance and shout out the Barrister's name clearly. This he duly did and the Barrister ran the other way!

Frances Twomey (1988); Peter Power (Apprentice); Eugene O'Connor (1984); Justin McKenna (1979); Richard Cooke (1983); Patricia Boyd (1988); Gabrielle Dalton (1986). •Indicates year admitted.

PROFILE The Younger Members Committee (YMC), a Committee of the Council, is probably best described as a Special Interest Group for Younger Members of the profession. Historically it was viewed as a Committee primarily concerned with social activities but it is now anxious, while main- taining this role, to promote itself as a Committee representative of the views and needs of Younger Members. Over the last few years, for example, the YMC has concerned itself with payment conditions and in September of 1988 was successful in having its motion to increase the recommended salary scale for Assistant Solicitors, to the £ 1 0 , 0 0 0 - £ 1 1 , 000 bracket, passed unanimously by the Council of the Law Society - a development which is most encouraging from the YMC's point of view. In 1987, the YMC hopes to increase the participation of Younger Members countrywide in the Committee, consequently making it more representative of Younger Members. The YMC hopes to achieve this through the establishment of a countrywide network system whereby each of the Committee members mentioned above has regional responsibility for a number of counties. To complete the network, the YMC is aiming to select a YMC officer in each county who will communicate with his/her "Regional" YMC member on a monthly basis in relation to any

AND THEN THERE WAS . . . The YMC would like to hear from members with similar items before Friday, 17th March 1989.

The best anecdote will be published and a prize of £10 sent to the winner. YOUNGER MEMBERS COMMITTEE YMC DIARY Tuesday, 7 March 1989 YMC Quiz Night, Welcome Inn, Galway at 8p.m. (Organiser: Eva Tobin, Garvey Smith & Flanagan) Tuesday, 14 March 1989 YMC Quiz Night, Old Ground Hotel, Ennis (Organisers: Frances Twomey, Leahy & O'Sullivan and David Casey, John Casey & Co.) Wednesday, 29 March 1989 YMC Quiz Night, Ardree Hotel, Waterford at 8p.m. (Organiser: Gabrielle Dalton, Nolan Farrell & Goff) Wednesday, 5 April 1989 YMC Quiz Night - Grand Final - Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire (Organiser: John Larkin, A. & L. Goodbody) Thursday, 13 April 1989 YMC Bowling Night - Stillorgan Bowling Centre - 7.30 for 8p.m. (Organiser: Justin McKenna, Sheridan & Kenny) Saturday, 27 May 1989 YMC Soccer Blitz - The Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. (Organisers: John Larkin, Justin McKenna, Patricia Boyd and Peter Power)

FORTHCOMING EVENT, YMC QUIZ NIGHT, CORK (Organiser: Simon Murphy, Barry M. O'Meara & Son)


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