The Gazette 1989

JOHN LOOSEMORE and ROBERT PARSONS of LAWYERS' PLANNING SERVICES (in conjunction with Mannesmann Kienzle) invite you to attend Seminar THt FUTURE GOING FOR IT!


An American industrialist , reviewing the post-war boom in the USA, said, "We al thought we were great entrepreneurs - now we know that in that climate anybody could have done it." As Solicitors, we sit in our practices and look back on the 60's and 70's, when conveyancing costs were as high as now, building societies seemed to need us, accountants did audits and filled in tax forms, in-house lawyers were few and the

Practice Rules concerned themselves with the size of bras plates and gold lettering. We too are forced to admit, "In that climate, anybody could have done it." Those days have gone! The legal profession which is already trying to cope with a fast changing climate now faces further changes whic^ wil affect radically the way we practise law. This is atime for re-evaluation - to look againat our objectives - the way we practice - why we practice. Above all, it's time to prepare for change.

The way in which we not only accommodate change but use it wil decide whether or not we wil succeed in the new climate.

I N G The new Advertising Rules - maximising the opportunities! How to give your practice the edge • The threat of the Institutions Coping wi th change - can the ostrich fly? N C L U D I

Tuesda y 25t h Apri l 198 9

JURY S HOTEL , BALLSBRIDGE FEE:IR£225 per delegate, inclusive of lunch, coffee, tea and seminar documentation For seminar programme and booking form please telephone or write to Rachel Ford, Lawyers' Planning Services, 18-20 High Street, Cardiff CF1 2BZ, South Wales. Telephone 0222 398161 Fax: 0222 373275


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