
Conference News 18-21 May 2014 Crown Conference Centre, Melbourne, Australia

2014 National Conference – Connections: Client • Clinician • Context

S PEECH PATHOLOGY is an ever-advancing profession with speech pathologists servicing an increasingly varied and complex clientele. Research evidence is essential for best practice. The Melbourne 2014 Conference Planning Committee (CPC) invites clinicians, researchers, and academics to explore the three other key areas of evidence based practice, namely the client’s perspective, the clinician’s clinical experience, and the clinical context . Marvellous Melbourne is diverse, energetic and multicultural; ideal for those seeking new and innovative experiences. So come join us in 2014 for Connections: Client • Clinician • Context. Included with this issue of Speak Out you will find the 2014 Invitation and Call for Papers. We encourage you to ‘spread the news’ through your many networks, colleagues and friends, wherever they are in the world. Provide them with a link to the Association’s website, www. speechpathologyaustralia.org.au , where they can read more about the 2014 National Conference and submission process.

process. Please remember that delegates will only have access to the title of the paper and author(s) name when they register and select sessions they wish to attend, so please carefully think about your presentation title. This will help ensure the audience you wish to attract and those who have the greatest interest in your topic will attend. While the closing date for submissions is Tuesday 24 September 2013 , there is no need to wait until the due date to submit your proposal. Kerry Ttofari Eecen, Chair of the Scientific Program Sub-Committee looks forward to working with you during the submission process. The CPC is currently liaising with the Keynote Speakers and we will introduce them to you over the coming months.

On behalf of the CPC, we look forward to bringing to you the 2014 National Conference,

2014 Conference Planning Committee • Diane Jacobs – 2014 Conference Convenor • Kerry Ttofari Eecen – Chair, Scientific Program Sub-Committee

The online abstract submission will go live from Friday 28 June 2013 .

Diane Jacobs Conference Convenor 2014

We have also included on the Conference website Instructions and Guidelines for making submissions, which will assist you prior to the actual submission

• Leora Benjamin • Susie Griffiths • Hannah Stark

Pamela Richards National Conference Manager

Speak Out June 2013



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