NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 8

MOTION: Moved by PC Denise Huntley to approve the meeting minutes. Seconded by PC Rick Romatz. Motion Carried.

Commodore’s Comments: Commodore, John Anderson Good evening and thank you for attending this final General Membership Meeting of 2014. We've accomplished a lot this year with improvements made to the Club and also to the way we do business. I have to believe that it was all for the better. The good of the Club was always first and foremost in our minds. My appreciation goes out to my fellow Flag Officers and Directors for the dedication and determination to complete the tasks presented them. Without that and the support that they gave me, my job would've been most difficult indeed. We, as a Board, tried to be as open as possible in getting information out to you, the Membership. We started by publishing bullet points. A recap of the most recent Board meeting and the highlights of what went on there. We have begun publishing monthly Financial Reports and posting them to the website. All in the interest of getting you this information in a timely manner. I believe that we've done a great job of positioning ourselves as a Club a whole lot better financially. We're this close to being debt free as well as having access to capital needed to confront just about any issue that may arise. A lot of what we have done this year and in the past has to be credited to two of our organizations that tirelessly assist us in getting the job done. The First Mates and the Ancient Mariners come through time and again when the going gets tough. Whether it be paying down the debt, repairing a septic field or just helping out with a project. They are there to help! Thank you Kathy... Thank you Archie for all that you do. Everything that we do during the year is credited to those who graciously step up and take care of what needs to be done. Whether it be Managers of the Club, the folks hosting activities or events, Elite Brigades or just those who step up and say..."hey, what can I do to help?" That's what North Channel is all about . That's the "soul" of the Club. So here is my salute to you. Thank you for your involvement and participation. A brave daring couple...a couple who said to me last year when asked "Sure, we can do that!" My Fleet Captains, Ian and Marie. I make a special mention of them for they showed you, who were there, and me such a great time on our Rendezvous and Commodore's Cruise. What you did made my year that much more special for me. Thank You! Again, thanks to the Candidates that stepped up this year. I welcome you to your seats at the table in just a month or so from now. Special congratulations to Pat Carroll with the position of Rear Commodore awaiting him next year.

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