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gained by cold packs together with administration of calcium, and — for a time — atropin and ephedrin therapy. Building of the tissues, especially in progressive chronic poly­ arthritis, is brought about by administration of østrin, after the organism’s own production of this hormone has been determined from the excretion. Great stress should be laid on the treatment of recent cases. 1. H. J . Schou: Følelsernes Fysiologi, 1936. — 2. Sherrington: The archives of neurology and psychiatry. (28-661-1932). -— 3. Asher: Schweizerische Medi- zienische W ochenschrift. (36-852-1931). — 4. K . A . Rasmussen: Nordisk m edi­ cinsk Tidsskrift. (13 641-643 1937). — 5. K . A. Rasmussen: Ugeskrift for Læger (1936, N r. 39, Side 915). Litteratur.


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