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I eet tilfælde, hos en kvinde i slutningen a f 40 ’erne, er set ophør a f menstruationen. De fleste patienter faar lidt ildebefindende, appetitløshed, kvalme eller lignende i tilslutning til bestraalingen, men ledsagesymptomer a f nogen betydning har vi aldrig set ved disse smaabehandlinger. Man bør dog være varsom med bestraaling a f kvinder, før menopausen er indtraadt, og altid afdække genitalia godt. Mange tilfælde a f torntapslumbago, ogsaa saadanne, som forgæves har været behandlet med forskellige fysiurgiske midler, vil saaledes med god — omend ikke sjældent forbigaaende — virkning kunne behandles med røntgenterapi. Summary. A. A short description is given of »spinous process lumbago«, »osteoarthrosis proc. spin.« (syn.: »osteoarthrosis interspinalis«). 1 ) The pressure of one spinous process upon another causes destruction of the soft tissues between the spinous pro­ cesses, and osteoarthritic changes of the spinous processes. 2 ) The cause of this pressure lies in the lordosis, in the lever arrangement and in five groups of more individual pheno­ mena: a) increase of the lordosis, b) increase of the bulk of the spinous process, c) shrinkage of the vertebral bodies, d) spondylosis deformans, and e) congenital disposition. 3 ) The clinical symtoms due to pressure of the spinous pro­ cesses are: acute and chronic pain, and muscular contrac­ tions of long duration. 4 ) Discussion of the technique of the development of spinous process lumbago, considerations regarding acute lumbago and proof’s of the author’s point of view. B . X -ray treatment of spinous process lumbago: 1 ) Considerations in general. 2 ) X -ray treatment of 43 cases (33 improved, 10 not im­ proved).

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