HSC Section 8_April 2017

Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 154(5)

Table 1. (continued)

Study Title

Author (Year)


Patients, n Study Type

Diagnostic Criteria

Me´nie`re’s Disease: Clinical Experience’’ ‘‘Effects of Long-term Treatment with Osmotic Diuretics on Symptoms and Electro- cochleogram in Meniere’s Disease’’ ‘‘Hearing and Dizziness in Patients with Definite Meniere’s Disease after the Long Term Use of Diuretics’’ ‘‘Are Thiazides Effective on Hypertensive Vertigo? A Preliminary Study’’

Kitahara et al (2004) 15



Japan Society for Equilibrium Research for Me´nie`re’s disease

Chung et al (2010) 13

South Korea

27 RCS

1995 AAO-HNS guidelines

Eryaman et al (2012) 25


24 Case-control

Internal/independent criteria

Abbreviations: AAO-HNS, American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery; AAOO, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology; RCS, retrospective case series; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

Table 2. Medication Regimen and Follow-up of the Included Studies.





Norell and Stahle (1962) 18


Day 1-4: 25 mg TID; days 5-21: 15-25 mg BID Day 1: 500 mg, with 250 mg TID; day 2: 250 mg QID; days 3-13: 250 mg TID Salt restriction, 50 or 100 mg daily; in some exceptional cases, doses of 150 or 200 mg were administered for short periods Betahistine: 8 mg TID; hydrochlorothiazide: 25 mg TID 30 mL TID for 1 wk, then 20 mL TID for 2 wk, then 15-mL dose TID for an indefinite period 250 mg daily or 500 mg sustained-release preparation First 3 d of each period: 2 capsules daily; during the remaining period, 2 capsules every second day Chlorthalidone: 50-100 mg every other day; acetazolamide: 500-750 mg daily, 5 d/wk 25 mg TID, 6 d/wk 70 mL TID for 1 wk

6 mo

Varga et al (1966) 22


10 d, 6 mo, 1 y, 5 y

Klockhoff and Lindblom (1967) 8


2 y 5 y

Klockhoff et al (1974) 16


Petermann et al (1982) 10

Betahistine dihydrochloride or hydrochlorothiazide

9 mo

Kitahara et al (1982) 9


6 mo

Yamazaki et al (1982) 23


4 mo

Brookes and Booth (1984) 12


Up to 9 mo

van Deelen and Huizing (1986) 11

‘‘Dyazide’’ (50 mg, triamterene; 25 mg, hydrochlorothiazide)

17 wk

Corvera and Corvera (1989) 24

Chlorthalidone or acetazolamide

Chlorthalidone group, 5-13.4 y; acetazolamide range, 5-7.8 y; control group, 5-24.1 y



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