Eternal India Encyclopedia

Eternal India encyclopedia


The Moon in Leo : Bold, irritable, large cheeks, blonde, broad face, brown eyes, re- pugnant to women, likes meat, frequenting forests and hills, colic troubles, inclined to be unhappy, naughty, mental anxiety, lib- eral, generous, deformed body, steady, autocratic, settled views, proud, ambitious.

clever, mutable, amicable, losses through women, loves women, just not ambitious, aspiring.

science and education, god-fearing and humble. The Sun in Capricorn : Mean minded, stubborn, ignorant, miserly, pushful, un- happy, boring, active, meddlesome, obliging, humorous, witty, affable, prudent, firm. The Moon in Capricorn : Ever attached to wife and children, virtuous, good eyes, slender waist, quick in perception, clever, active, crafty, somewhat unselfish, saga- cious, merciless, unscrupulous, inconsis- tent, low morals, niggardly and mean. seers were born under this sign, of winning manners and elegant dispo- sition, highly intelligent, make friends very easily, pure in heart and always inclined to help others, shine as writers, good spokes- men, interesting conversationalists, ex- traordinary literary skills, intuitive and good judges of character, devoted to their friends and spouse. The Sun in Aquarius : Poor, unhappy, stubborn, unlucky, unsuccessful, medium height, rare faculties, self-esteem. The Moon in Aquarius : Fair-looking, tall, large teeth, belly low, youngish, sen- sual, sudden elevations and depressions, pure-minded, artistic, intuitional, diplo- matic, lonely, peevish, artistic taste, ener- getic, emotional, esoteric, mystical, grate- ful, healing power. tendency to exert authority over others, proud of their educational and other attain- ments, restless and fond of history, anti- quarian talks and mythological master- pieces, frugal in spending money, generally dependent upon others throughout their life, just in their dealings, lack self-confidence. The Sun in Pisces : Pearl merchant, peaceful, wealthy, uneventful, religious, prodigal, loved by women. The Moon in Pisces : Fixed, dealer in pearls and fond of wife and children, perfect build, long nose, bright body, subservient to opposite sex, handsome, learned, steady, simple, good reputation, adventurous, many children, spiritually inclined later in life. (B.V.R & G V.) AQUARIUS (Kumbha) the Water- bearer Qualities Some of the and greatest philosophers PISCES (Meena) the Fishes Qualities : Reserved in their manners, god-fearing, rigid in observance of orthodox prin- ciples of religion, stubborn,

SCORPIO (Vrischika) the Scorpion

Qualities : Youthful appear- ance, generous disposition and fierce eyes, fickle minded, love excitement, inclined towards

VIRGO (Kanya) the Virgin

Qualities : Exhibit their in- telligence and memory when quite young, discriminating, emotional, carried away by im-

sensuality, cultivate friendship with many people, philosophic disposition, proficient in fine arts and dancing, silent, dignified and think before they speak, good conversation- alists and writers. The Sun in Scorpio : Adventurous, bold, fearing thieves and robbers, reckless, and stubborn, unprincipled, impulsive, idiotic, in- dolent, surgical skill, dexterous, military ability. The Moon in Scorpio : Broad eyes, wide chest, round shanks and thighs, isolation from parents and preceptors, brown com- plexion, straight-forward, frank, open- minded, cruel, simulator, malicious, sterility, agitated, unhappy, wealthy, impetuous, ob- stinate. SAGITTARIUS (Dhanus) the Centaur Qualities : Generally inclined towards cor- pulence, conventional and occult philosophy and sciences, unostenta- tious, god-fearing, honest, humble and free from hypocrisy, brilliant, affable. Short tempered, reliable, rich, obstinate, respected by all, happy, popular, religious, wealthy, musi- cian. The Moon in Sagittarius : Face broad, teeth large, skilled in fine arts, indistinct shoulders, disfigured nails and arms, deep and inventive intellect, yielding to praise, good speech, upright, help from wife and women, happy marriage, many children, good inheritance, benefactor, patron of arts and literature, ceremonial minded, showy, unexpected gifts, author, reflective mental- ity, inflexible to threats. The Sun in Sagittarius : businesslike, prompt and up- hold conservative view, at- tracted towards the study of

pulses, love music and fine arts and acquire much power and influence over other people, liable to nervous breakdowns and paralysis, they can become great philosophers or writ- ers. The Sun in Virgo : Linguist, poet, mathe- matician, taste for literature, well read, scholarly, artistic good memory, reasoning faculty, effeminate body, frank, lucid com- prehension, learned in religious lore, re- served, wanting adulation. The Moon in Virgo : Lovely complexion, almond eyes, modest, charming, attractive, principled, affluent, comfortable, soft body, sweet speech, honest, truthful, modest, vir- tuous, intelligent, phlegmatic, fond of women, acute insight, conceited in self-es- timation, reserved, conversationalist, many daughters, loqacious, astrologer, skilled in music and dance. by mean motives, susceptible to feelings of others' minds, idealists, insensititive to what others say of them, as political leaders and religious reformers they exert tremen- dous influence over the masses, love ex- citement and have the power of intuition, not amenable to reason, great lovers of music, love, truth and honesty and do not hesitate to sacrifice even their lives at the altars of freedom and fairplay. The Sun in Libra : Manufacture of liquors, popular, tactless base, drunkard, loose mor- als, arrogant, wicked, frank, submissive, pompous. The Moon in Libra : Reverence and re- spect for learned and holy people, saints and gods, tall, raised nose, thin, deformed limbs, sickly constitution, rejected by kinsmen, in- telligent, principled, wealthy, business-like, obliging, love for arts, far seeing, idealistic, LIBRA (Thula) the Balance Qualities : Keen foresight and reason out things from the standpoint of their own views, firm in conviction and unmoved

CAPRICORN (Makara) the Crocodile

Qualities : Knack of adopting themselves to circumstances And environments, modest, liberal and gentlemanly in

business transactions, noted for their perseverance and strong mindedness, very stoical to miseries of life, generous and philanthropic, great interest in literature,

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