Senior Resources Housing 2017-18 Directory



etirement communi-

available in the individ- ual units.

ties are self-contained housing communities designed and designated for older adults. These communities offer meal programs and typically have a focus on social and recreational activities. Retirement Communities differ great- ly in terms of services and Retirement Communities (CCRC’s, see narrative on page 78) provide differing levels of care such as long term care and/or assisted living on the same cam- pus if these levels of care are needed. These facili- ties may require an entrance or endowment fee. Some CCRC's also offer Life Care Programs amenities offered. Continuing Care

(Narrative, page 80) which eliminate the

financial liability for the cost of long term care in a persons later years. Independent Retirement Communities offer cam- pus-like settings with many of the same ser- vices and amenities pro- vided by CCRC’s under a monthly rental agree- ment (no endowment fee). Room and Board Facilities may provide efficiency style apart- ment units that provide meals, emergency response, and common space to its residents. Usually no kitchen is

County Index

Milwaukee County . . . . .89 Ozaukee County . . . . . . .94 Washington County . . . .95 Waukesha County . . . . . .95

76 | S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S 2 0 1 7 -1 8

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